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In response to blip #104232

@ippiki_ookami: it's taken out on purpose, because we have users and artists who know the specific time when the day changes on site to snipe spot on spotlight with their uploads. Also popular was full of only handful of vanilla stuff, solo females with visible bits with exact cutoff, so it was only useful for those who are into that vanilla stuff and females.
It's replaced with "hot" aka order:rank which instead of using exact day seperation uses posts age instead and can be used in combination of other tags. Also we now have age: metatag on top of date:.

Found my way to the new e6. The blips are the top of my most used sites and it doesn't work anymore so I had Google e621 for the first time in I don't know how long.

Will people even realize that I’ve blipped them? I use these to ask questions like how to tag their characters or help them. Also, I can’t easily find my own blips and it’s very frustrating...
(Not to mention the tags are no longer in different colors in the tag change history, a lot harder for me to track when I’ve tagged certain things like, again, characters)
Help please?

In response to blip #104245

DreamerTooth said:
Anybody else doing notice of favorutie have been remove from they arts?

2nd of the most popular animation I make was 1200 favourite have (Post ID 2077372). Now is only 1 favourite have. This happen maybe 6-7 of arts I make. Is like conspiracy for the beat down of dreamer xD

I do an ignore of layout be so glitch (like search button is go bye bye) for the now, because most important thing of site is functionality, and it have the look that this is break!

Edit: Also broken - comments is broken. Post date of comment all is say 13 hour ago (as 22:58UTC). Some comment is wrong order in also.

This isn't just a visual overhaul, it's a completely new site. The information is just updating still.

E621 becomes nearly impossible to use on a mobile phone. i try to pan the image left or right and it swaps to a different one. Clicking download opens up an entirely new window (something you could already manually do) with no option to just use the same window. text flies wildly off the page too on mobile, the inconsistent background on the text makes it very difficult to read . tags also take an extreme amount of screen space meaning i have to scoll all the way down the site to upvote, more annoying on images with absolutely_everyone.
basically i just want a mobile revision desktop is totally fine though

Anybody else doing notice of favorutie have been remove from they arts?

2nd of the most popular animation I make was 1200 favourite have (Post ID 2077372). Now is only 1 favourite have. This happen maybe 6-7 of arts I make. Is like conspiracy for the beat down of dreamer xD

I do an ignore of layout be so glitch (like search button is go bye bye) for the now, because most important thing of site is functionality, and it have the look that this is break!

Edit: Also broken - comments is broken. Post date of comment all is say 13 hour ago (as 22:58UTC). Some comment is wrong order in also.

This is a blip that is really long because the change-log said we can have really long blips but I don't know if it really works and I should just trust that kira did the right stuff and made sure that the new character limit is one thousand characters, but, you know, you gotta check that stuff for yourself sometimes which puts me here, writing this one long blip and its not even got a period, just one long continuous stream of thought, and sure, there are a few commas but they aren't real punctuation, I'm not going to give into big period just because some fancy "Grammarians" say that is used to end a thought, this thought just keeps on going and going, it's not going to end until I reach the new character limit which is, like kira said, one thousand characters, and, when you think about it, one thousand isn't even that much, great writing was made with fewer characters than 1000, Hemingway wrote (though probably not) "for sale: baby shoes, never worn" in only thirty two characters

In response to blip #104239

Patrice~Deauxnim said:
Update to my previous blip. The first page of all of my searches *does* show up now...

But now I can't view my favourites.


Just my own favourites, too. I can view anyone else's just fine, but the first page of mine just doesn't show up. I even logged out and it still doesn't show up. Can anyone reading this view my favourites? Is this issue isolated solely to myself?

This is why i download my porn

I like how people are complaining about the site change as if it's actually different.

Like shut your fuck, all they did is make it look sharper. They didn't even change the layout!

In response to blip #104222

Just a quick update from me: I recently found the background hurts my eyes too much to even look at the page for more than a minute, and I don't like that the images have no border, but again, that's just my opinion.

Testing new blip length



I'm not really sure I like the new layout. It feels too square-y, and it's too bright and distracting for some of the art. I'm also a bit confused why some of the favorites I made months ago are showing up on my first page, and why pretty much all of them are scrambled. Another thing I'm not sure I like, is that I can go through my favorites in a comic manner, but that's just my opinion.

Is it a bug or did the new update nuke some posts? Went from 7000 to 5800 posts, and doesn't seem like they were deleted.


Former Staff
In response to blip #104214

@SUDA_IDU: nope, you can ask any administrator.

@Leon_Neon: no, if the record has decayed then that takes precedence. if someone has a particularly bad history with something an exception might be made, but that's very rare.


In response to blip #104211

Thanks for the reply. I suppose I could add -artist to every single blacklist line I have, but it still wouldn't effect searches that don't apply.

Probably just gonna have to manually search some artists every now and then to see their stuff.

Is there a site tool that can entirely whitelist an artist tag?

For instance, if an artist you like had a post with 7 score, you searched score >7, and had score <8 blacklisted, is there anything you could have implemented so the post still appears?

@DiamondDrake12: Hi there! I noticed you own a character and as of yet does not have an official character tag. How would you like him to be tagged?
(Saw his name as Inrelal, but prefer to Drake, so~ “drake inrelal” or just “inrelal”?)

Also I played the ff 7 demo, I love final fantasy.
I thought the animations didn't look as good as ff15 but so far it was more fun.
It was an interesting mix of action and rpg menus. The voices were different from advent children as well.

@DegenerateDreamer: Hey, you've made some very nice art but its been taken down. Is this the only location you've started at and will you make more posts at other sites that let you do what you do?
I really like your work and hopefully you'll continue.