This is a blip that is really long because the change-log said we can have really long blips but I don't know if it really works and I should just trust that kira did the right stuff and made sure that the new character limit is one thousand characters, but, you know, you gotta check that stuff for yourself sometimes which puts me here, writing this one long blip and its not even got a period, just one long continuous stream of thought, and sure, there are a few commas but they aren't real punctuation, I'm not going to give into big period just because some fancy "Grammarians" say that is used to end a thought, this thought just keeps on going and going, it's not going to end until I reach the new character limit which is, like kira said, one thousand characters, and, when you think about it, one thousand isn't even that much, great writing was made with fewer characters than 1000, Hemingway wrote (though probably not) "for sale: baby shoes, never worn" in only thirty two characters
