
Translucency is the physical property that allows light to pass through a material diffusely.

Usually refers to translucent clothing: articles of clothing that are 'see-through' to some degree, such as shawls or loincloths (panel 4).
post #162361 post #95587

This tag can also describe characters, like goo creatures and ghosts, or objects, such as balls or Jello.
post #160000 post #68766
post #134734 post #66836

Based on TWYS, this tag is also used, when the image shows things behind something that by TWYK is actually opaque.

post #494 post #319373
post #708009 post #712283

See also

Related forum discussions

topic #23344 – Merging transparent to translucent
topic #23705 – "What about images where only part of the body is translucent?"

The following tags are aliased to this tag: see-through, see-through_silhouette, see-through_view, see_through, see_through_silhouette, see_through_view, seethrough, sheer, transparent (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: translucent_antennae, translucent_balls, translucent_beak, translucent_belly, translucent_body, translucent_chastity_belt, translucent_chastity_cage, translucent_clothing, translucent_feces, translucent_frill, translucent_hair, translucent_hand, translucent_horn, translucent_latex, translucent_membrane, translucent_penis, translucent_straitjacket, translucent_tentacles, translucent_wings (learn more).

Posts (view all)

post #5382154
post #5382142
post #5382120
post #5382091