Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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sigh... at least I got you guys despite all my feels that sudenly came rushing back from that pic :|

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause sudden feels of that pic I posted making me feel depressed window open cause it stuffy in my bedroom and the cold feels nice

Updated by anonymous

Banned because It's a bit hot over here, so ye, I might open a window too

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I've got about a litre of wine and the whole night ahead of me.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Banned cause I've got about a litre of wine and the whole night ahead of me.

Banned cause I gotta got to work tomarrow so I gotta be asleep by midnight or so... I already want the weekend to come :I

Updated by anonymous

Banned 'cause you're lucky you have a steady job(s), and artsy bullshit ones as well.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause this make you think of any two guys on here?

post #191270

Tangent said:
and artsy bullshit ones as well.

artsy bullshit? what you mean by that??

Tangent said:
you're lucky you have a steady job

I am a salesperson at a music store for the woodwind insturments department

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:

Banned 'cause exactly. You get to do what you like.

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause daw

Banned cause

post #461150

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I have the songs from frozen in my head but I saw it in spanish its my best language the one spoken at home is mostly spanish but I know a lot of polish to other familly side LOL

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause that's hilarious.

And my wine supply is dwindling :(

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause mirando a la distancia pequeno todo es Y los miedos que me ataban muy lejos los leje!

Updated by anonymous

Banned 'cause I have no idea what you said, but I'm glad you're back.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause Voy a probar que peudo hacer sin limitar mi proceder ni mal ni bein obedecer JAMAS!

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause sudden IRL lonleyness hit roommates asleep i'm all ronrey....

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause peep at my blacklist again it got one subtrcation and one addition

Updated by anonymous