Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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furballs_dc said:
Banned cause oh deer...

Banned for improper spelling.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause coffee =^.^=

Banned cause its not coffees fault

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause weather too hot for coffee

Banned cause just make ice coffee :3

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause fully automatic ban hammer! BAN!BAN!BAN!BAN!BAN!BAN!

Banndd cause minigun ban hammer! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAN!

Updated by anonymous

HydroggarizardRCHRDX said:
Banndd cause minigun ban hammer! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAN!

banned for breaking the "Baneva Convention"!

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
banned for breaking the "Baneva Convention"!

Banned for not giving a heads-up notice! On the convention!

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm still adjusting to that new avatar.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause your avatar appears as a blacklisted thumbnail for me

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause you have a weird blacklist then. It's just gir in his dog suit.

Updated by anonymous

Oh, not weird then, I blacklisted invader zim never liked that cartoon


Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Oh, not weird then, I blacklisted invader zim never liked that cartoon


Banned for lacking a soul.

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause what is a soul :P

Banned cause what is love?

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Oh hey new themes


Edit: Spring <3

Banned cause noticed, and changed back to winter :3

Updated by anonymous


Banned for trifle-y gnomery.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause GM recalls every car they ever made...

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause full day tomorrow so goodnight

Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=

Not banned cause friendly.

Updated by anonymous

banned cause a few mins ago I go see thing so things happen with things going a thing with things

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:
Banned cause subscriptions not working.

Oh they do work, sometimes they just take longer to update though, check this
They are the last on the list so you need to wait :P

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:
And like I said nothing on here fazes me anymore

With that avatar, I believe you XD


Updated by anonymous