Hello, I know this topic is already a minefield laid inside a landfill for sewage waste but I'd like to discuss, both with the site population at large and the moderators, the tagging standard set forth on post #965929 for a moment.
Before I am swiftly beaten, I'd like to make it clear that based on the TWYS rule I do not think that tags should be reverted to Female and Flat_Chested because of Mikhaila. I just had some consistency issues to bring up.
The rest of the comic, other than those several pages tagged with Cuntboy, are tagged with Female and Flat_Chested. I think the site should enforce consistent tagging across pages in the same pool for comics featuring the same characters, but at the same time I understand some comic characters, when their genitals are covered or otherwise obscured/hidden seem entirely male or female. A good example would be Fenfen in Tail of Tails. I had a few suggestions for a way to clear this up, and then a few holes to point out in my own suggestions that I can't quite reconcile, despite the flaws in TWYS.
My first suggestion is what you already know. Tag What You See, you would tag all shots in which the character is shown according to how they look specifically on that page. The problem is that it would occasionally be difficult to tell a girly male from a flat-chested female this way, especially once you throw dickgirls and cuntboys and what-have-you into the mix. Not every page of the comic does this, though, and post #859026 could be either a girly male (who is somehow conveniently censored by his thigh) or a flat-chested female, though it's clearly tagged as female. So here I see a lack of consistency, those recent two pages are tagged cuntboy, so this one should also be tagged cuntboy...but then post #859032 actually refers to the character as female. I think it's obvious that the taggers on those first few pages where Mikhaila is clothed or otherwise censored in some way are tagging what they know instead of what they see.
That leads me to my second suggestion, character tags implicating other tags. The problem of course with that is some characters change gender, appearance, species, etc. all the time. But since a page in the pool states she's female it would make sense to tag all other pages female. As much as tagging cuntboy even when we know she isn't will let people who don't know that see content they may like, it will also mislead people who are looking for what they know it should be tagged as.
Finally, I think that post #859026 and post #859027 should be tagged ambiguous_gender or girly_male according to TWYS. post #859028 should be tagged cuntboy, post #859029 and post #859030 ambiguous_gender again. post #859031 as cuntboy, post #859032 as female (due to dialogue), post #859033 as ambiguous_gender, and the following 4 posts as cuntboy, unless a better solution is found, since that is what those posts should be tagged under TWYS. That may seem really convoluted and confusing, because it is, and that's my point, and why I proposed the two previous solutions, not as a paradigm shift from TWYS, but as an alternative to TWYS when TWYS just plain doesn't work. This is especially true in this case because people searching for this comic with the aforementioned tagging, who may for whatever reason have sexualities resulting from those tags or the genders themselves blacklisted, will only see a random assortment of pages. I don't think that's how the site should work, but I'd like to see either consistency or contingency. I hope you agree.
Updated by user 22273