Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Recently I've taken an interest in improving industrial and factory related tags, particularly around transformation. Problem is I'm still finding more of them, and many are ambiguous or poorly defined. I plan to ask more before making any possibly disputable wiki entries, new tags, and especially removing images from tags that have no strong alternative. However before I do that I want to know if I've found all of them, and if there are better suited tags that mean the same things.
So far I've found:
robotic_arms (Struggles with a lot of cybernetic_arm getting mixed in)
mold (Struggles with fungal mold getting mixed in, not enough precedent to remove it yet)

Concepts that I have not found tags for are:
Presses, and other shape changing machinery
post #2988958
Nozzles that dispense fluid or paint (nozzle is already firmly settled into inflatable nozzles)
post #2191677
The creation of robots or other living characters from scratch
post #1222225
Automated dronification or hypnosis
post #3012046
Characters undergoing some of these process distinct from objects, particularly characters in packaging or boxes.
post #1138909

This is my first time doing anything like this, so any advice is welcome.


oozeenthusiast said:

I searched goal*, fund*, milestone* and found some interesting results. Some of them look like they mean the same thing?

Hmm, mold should probably be disambiguated in Wiki? There's molding, mold_(fungus), mold, and some funny unrelated ones with mold in name like mold_breaker (LOL). Should mold be changed to mold_(tool) or something similar? It doesn't seem many mess up and tag the fungus as mold?


alphamule said:

Hmm, mold should probably be disambiguated in Wiki? There's molding, mold_(fungus), mold, and some funny unrelated ones with mold in name like mold_breaker (LOL). Should mold be changed to mold_(tool) or something similar? It doesn't seem many mess up and tag the fungus as mold?

The tag is so small I could easily correct them all, but I'm a unsure about making a bunch of changes to tags without discussing it. I plan to make a proper thread for developing industrial tags once I'm finished cleaning up robotic_arm. I think mold_(tool) makes the most sense, but it doesn't fit perfectly.

oozeenthusiast said:
The tag is so small I could easily correct them all, but I'm a unsure about making a bunch of changes to tags without discussing it. I plan to make a proper thread for developing industrial tags once I'm finished cleaning up robotic_arm. I think mold_(tool) makes the most sense, but it doesn't fit perfectly.

Well, that's what the forum is for. ;) Yeah, I think a word like tool or object might work, but again, this is why we ask in this thread! Having mold_(fungus) come up in list of suggestions should make it less likely to see mistagging, but making it explicitly a type of object (i.e. tool) would make it even less likely. I guess correct the ones that aren't the tool to the fungus? Aliasing has a downside: It would change attempts to tag mold automatically become mold_(tool), if we did that? Not sure how we prevent that after an alias.

Do we have a tag that specifies that an image depicts an alternate skin/outfit for a character from a video game? I know that the tag alternate_outfit exists, but that tag seems to imply that a character can be wearing anything that isn't their default outfit, including fanmade content. I'm looking for a tag that specifically refers to alternate outfits/skins from the game itself.

oozeenthusiast said:
Recently I've taken an interest in improving industrial and factory related tags, particularly around transformation. Problem is I'm still finding more of them, and many are ambiguous or poorly defined. I plan to ask more before making any possibly disputable wiki entries, new tags, and especially removing images from tags that have no strong alternative. However before I do that I want to know if I've found all of them, and if there are better suited tags that mean the same things.
So far I've found:
robotic_arms (Struggles with a lot of cybernetic_arm getting mixed in)
mold (Struggles with fungal mold getting mixed in, not enough precedent to remove it yet)

That sounds like a pretty good project.

Some of these tags might be helpful, but mostly these are places that I would look for more images that fit your tag project. Because I think some of the images under these tags will sometimes overlap:
and also tube -- also, the wiki on this one looks like it mentions some tags that might be more directly helpful for your project


oozeenthusiast said:
I think mold_(tool) makes the most sense, but it doesn't fit perfectly.

Very cool project!

Would "casting_mold" be the best descriptor for this kind of a mold? Aside from a few exotic kinds of industrial molding, such as blow molding, industrial manufacturing with molds usually involves a casting technique. The e621 wiki description for a mold certainly seems to describe casting molds.

You should also alias mould to mold. I assume being an US site, we use the American English spelling?

Yeah, apparently I looked up 'casting mold' and these aren't quite 100% the same thing. One term tends to be used for metal, other for plastics? Makes sense, as metal requires a very high-temp ceramic or the like that won't shatter from the heat, while plastic you'd probably want it made out of metal so you can use it a million times? Not made any, so not sure. And yeah, molds for plastic are about as expensive as a new vehicle from what I've read over the years. Makes sense as you have to cut a custom piece of metal, and get it 100% accurate/precise, and more importantly, know WTF you're doing! ;) To be fair, the type I'm thinking of are huge and meant for a bunch of identical (or set of) parts at once.

monroethelizard said:
Very cool project!

Would "casting_mold" be the best descriptor for this kind of a mold? Aside from a few exotic kinds of industrial molding, such as blow molding, industrial manufacturing with molds usually involves a casting technique. The e621 wiki description for a mold certainly seems to describe casting molds.

casting_mold is perfect. Just went in and changed that. Thank you. I'm glad to see so many people interested. I have a few more questions.

Do we have a tag for devices that cover a characters head and change their hair?
example: post #2066624
Also do we have a tag for devices that do the same thing, but to a character's mind? What about tags for hypnotic head gear in general? It seems we only have hypnotic_visor and hypnotic_collar.
Are there more specific tags for screens as physical objects? Most screen tags that are more specific than the general screen like computer_screen mix images that show screens as objects and show from the perspective of a screen.
post #2842857 vs post #3055104
Ideally I want 3 tags for screens as objects, one for hypnotic_screens (Check), one for screens that show information (Maybe something like terminal_screen?), and one for screens that show progress.

The bulk update request #3335 is pending approval.

create alias mould (0) -> mold (7)
create alias mold_(casting) (0) -> casting_mold (34)
create alias mould_(casting) (0) -> casting_mold (34)
create alias mould_(fungus) (0) -> mold_(fungus) (50)
create alias mold_(tool) (0) -> casting_mold (34)

Reason: Defensive aliasing for when someone tries to (re)spawn those redundant or ambiguous tags. See "Do we have a tag for that" thread (linked) for industrial tags discussion.

:edit: Oh, just noticed there's still a mold and mould tag in use. Sigh, guess can add those to *_disambiguation? It's huge hole in that BUR's intent.

oozeenthusiast said:
casting_mold is perfect. Just went in and changed that. Thank you. I'm glad to see so many people interested. I have a few more questions.

Do we have a tag for devices that cover a characters head and change their hair?
example: post #2066624
Also do we have a tag for devices that do the same thing, but to a character's mind? What about tags for hypnotic head gear in general? It seems we only have hypnotic_visor and hypnotic_collar.
Are there more specific tags for screens as physical objects? Most screen tags that are more specific than the general screen like computer_screen mix images that show screens as objects and show from the perspective of a screen.
post #2842857 vs post #3055104
Ideally I want 3 tags for screens as objects, one for hypnotic_screens (Check), one for screens that show information (Maybe something like terminal_screen?), and one for screens that show progress.

Final Fantasy 6 had the slave crown on Terra/Tina, but not sure what other names that concept has. Mind control devices almost needs it's own collection in the Wiki? Well, maybe not like the positions one. :P

bill_furray said:
is there a tag for the pose where someone is holding a long object across their shoulders and is held by their wrists or hands?

post #3450484 post #2970256 post #1329614

perhaps a variant tag for when the object is on their lower back?
similar to this post #2977064

How about yoke_pose? Primarily because

kora_viridian said:
A lot of critters using a carrying pole have a similar pose...

these carrying poles or frames around or on the neck are more properly called yokes

So we have the tag labratory for techy buildings that are used for observation and experiments. We have the tag factory for techy buildings that are used for mass production and processing. Do we have a tag for techy buildings that are neither of those things?
post #1385945 post #3474325 post #1849164 post #3079881 post #3521278
Images like these aren't really set in a laboratory or a factory. In fact, it's hard to read anything into these locations other than having techy things in them. Is there any tag for them? Should they have a tag? They're pretty common, but they lack defining characteristics. Should the facility tag be given the definition for these kinds of images? How would you even write a wiki entry for that?

Also, do we have a tags for machines as objects?
post #2436305 post #1993372 post #3589731 post #3130424 post #3471264
The machine tag is used for basically anything that has mechanical parts. Even if you blacklist every kind of robot, cyborg, vehicle, and sex toy, there are still hundreds of images where one of those was forgotten. It would be nice to have a tag that refers to objects like in these examples. Boxes that do a thing, and that thing is show in the image.


do we have a tag/tag combination to describe a pose like this ? The one penetrating is holding the other one's arms and hands behind his head while under his knee.

I've just gone through a bunch of Tohru_(dragon_maid) images to give them appropriate tail tags to prepare for topics #33035 if it goes through, when I found this:
post #2275825
I think that's a tail sock? I'm not sure, it may just be in a shadow or off model, but do we have a tag for tail socks?
Also, how should I tag kanna_kamui and Ilulu's tails? Is Ilulu's like a worm tail? It looks more like it's made of solid discs, almost like rock or armor in some images.

oozeenthusiast said:
I've just gone through a bunch of Tohru_(dragon_maid) images to give them appropriate tail tags to prepare for topics #33035 if it goes through, when I found this:
post #2275825
I think that's a tail sock? I'm not sure, it may just be in a shadow or off model, but do we have a tag for tail socks?
Also, how should I tag kanna_kamui and Ilulu's tails? Is Ilulu's like a worm tail? It looks more like it's made of solid discs, almost like rock or armor in some images.


Text-based Recording?

Is there are tag for something like game_log, record or condition_monitor that text-based record that shows what is happening to the status of the character? Like showing what action have they taken, gaining what result; what their foes are acting, etc.... This might be quite commonly seen in a TRPG game, as the DM have to record the players actions, and shows them what happened next.

Some examples can be posts from ZeroFox's RPG series:
post #3105051 post #3043147 post #3051307 post #2431137

Or similar concept that record what has happened to the character with the screen, like:
post #3203930 post #2766770 post #2443833 post #2658761

The tag game_mechanic shows similar result, but it is a higher-level tag that contains a lot different other game mechanics. I am thinking whether there is a more specific tag about the text-based recording only

Discussion welcome :D

zovos said:
I am thinking whether there is a more specific tag about the text-based recording only

There's text_box for the floating panels displaying text information (like post #3105051). For the actual in-world display of information (like post #2658761), I'm not as sure. There's stat_display and terminal_display, but they aren't widely used, making me think there may be another tag for the concept (or it's just not tagged a lot).

ike-x01 said:
Though niche, I wonder if there's an "all encompassing" tag for fellatio scenes where the person being fellated is wearing something (I.E. condom, underwear, has null bulge, etc.). There is the bulge_suck tag, but I was still curious.

Some examples of what I meant along with similar search results.
post #2378522 post #3331859 post #2266055

wearing_condom fellatio bulge_suck condom_suit fellatio through_clothing fellatio

I don't think so, to me these don't seem similar enough to warrant a tag. you could use tildes in searches to have most of these in a single search, but that's about it.

is there a tag for an uninterrupted/unbroken (or mostly) pov? i like pov animations a lot but sometimes i want to see JUST the pov (typically on the bottom). so is there a tag or do i just have to be really specific and hope for the best?

frrud said:
is there a tag for an uninterrupted/unbroken (or mostly) pov? i like pov animations a lot but sometimes i want to see JUST the pov (typically on the bottom). so is there a tag or do i just have to be really specific and hope for the best?

We don't have one that I know of.

I added consistent_pov to post #3298927 (male/female). Are there any others that you know of?

flying fish?
not the species, but the trope where some fantasy species of fish (or a fish-like creature like a whale or dolphin) swims through the air.
or is that too vague?

darryus said:
I don't think so, to me these don't seem similar enough to warrant a tag. you could use tildes in searches to have most of these in a single search, but that's about it.

Ture, but I just thought that'd make a good possible tag idea. Dunno what you'd call though. Maybe "Dry Sucking"?

cheshire3rd said:
flying fish?
not the species, but the trope where some fantasy species of fish (or a fish-like creature like a whale or dolphin) swims through the air.
or is that too vague?

It's a species tag but not sure if there's one for more generic description: gyarados Hmm, Magicarp has 3 submissions in total. Right, it's a typo for magikarp. If the tag did apply, it would on this post, because flying sharks. :)


non-furgonomic pants where the waistline ends below the tail? pants -furgonomics wouldn’t work as it just returns a bunch of front views.

skirts or dresses with a tailhole in the back? ~skirt ~dress furgonomics returns a bunch of unrelated results.

it doesn’t neccesarily have to be a single tag, any string of tags that can reliably bring these up will do.

cheshire3rd said:
relationship tags for ambiguous forms?
if i’m searching, say, human/feral, i might want to see posts like post #2886038 even if that could also be interpreted as human/anthro. obviously it shouldn’t be tagged as either, but since tags like ambiguous/human are firmly set to mean ambiguous_gender it’s hard to find posts like that reliably.

For that post in particular, I think the depiction is more apparently feral (lack of any human-like features, like eyebrows, or anything resembling hair, or a more human-like head shape or facial expression, makes it very unlikely to be anthro) so human_on_feral would be appropriate.

In general, though, there isn't a tag. human_on_ambiguous_form is how such a tag would be defined, though it does come across as clunky (and it's not clearly distinct from ambiguous_on_human, so people could confuse them).

Is there a tag for issues relating to not having thumbs, clumsy paws, or overall low fine motor skill? Kind of like loss_of_dexterity but it doesn’t come from transformation.

the_yes said:
Is there a tag for issues relating to not having thumbs, clumsy paws, or overall low fine motor skill? Kind of like loss_of_dexterity but it doesn’t come from transformation.

Basically, the opposite of ambidextrous? There's the somewhat obscure `ambisinister` or `ambisinistrous` – awkward or clumsy with both hands; having "two left hands" (figuratively speaking). It has nothing to do with villainy and more to do with old, pre-handwashing prejudices about handedness. According to the ancient Romans, the right or "dexter" hand was the good hand while malign influences came from the left or "sinister" hand. This can still be seen in Islam which considers the left hand unclean.

Do we have a male version of head_between_breasts ? Want to tag this post post #3700921, thought it could be head_between_moobs but the mooobs requires Characters with moobs are usually at least slightly chubby if not actually overweight, those characters in image are not chubby nor overweight.

upp said:
Do we have a male version of head_between_breasts ? Want to tag this post post #3700921, thought it could be head_between_moobs but the mooobs requires Characters with moobs are usually at least slightly chubby if not actually overweight, those characters in image are not chubby nor overweight.

face_in_chest seems to cover characters with their face against or between another's pecs.

the_yes said:
Is there a tag for issues relating to not having thumbs, clumsy paws, or overall low fine motor skill? Kind of like loss_of_dexterity but it doesn’t come from transformation.

I don't think we currently have a tag for that, so, as ambisinistrous is rather obscure and both butterfinger and butterfingers are already taken, you'll probably have to start something like fumblefingered as people are more likely to understand what that means.

post #2397984
I could have sworn there was a tag (usually used) for similar situation with females. i.e. Mother Mew with kittens. I was wanting to add this in examples on Wiki for more than one type.

"I made this!" is kind of old meme now?

Do we have a specific tag for a tail that has a line of hair/fur going from the base to the tip? It’s not a tail_tuft. This is a common feature among eastern dragons, but it can also be found on other species.

post #1823884 post #2839327 post #3565348 post #3659564 post #2723539 post #3304507

So far I could only find the tags tail_hair, tail_fur, and furred_tail, but they all have less than 100 posts. Is there a tag that is already more commonly used to describe this kind of tail feature?

zenith-pendragon said:
Do we have a specific tag for a tail that has a line of hair/fur going from the base to the tip? It’s not a tail_tuft. This is a common feature among eastern dragons, but it can also be found on other species.

post #1823884 post #2839327 post #3565348 post #3659564 post #2723539 post #3304507

So far I could only find the tags tail_hair, tail_fur, and furred_tail, but they all have less than 100 posts. Is there a tag that is already more commonly used to describe this kind of tail feature?

How about fur_ridge? Tail_ridge is similar but apparently refers specifically to more spiky/scaly protrusions.

is there a tag that broadly covers a character who orgasms from a trigger word being used on them?
I know tags like cum on command and orgasm command exist but they have far fewer posts than I would like, so I'm wondering if there is a more general tag.


Is there a tag for when a smaller character has a bigger penis than the larger character?

cutefox123 said:
is there a tag that broadly covers a character who orgasms from a trigger word being used on them?
I know tags like cum on command and orgasm command exist but they have far fewer posts than I would like, so I'm wondering if there is a more general tag.

spontaneous_orgasm and spontaneous_ejaculation is probably the closest to what you're looking for.

a_yak said:
Is there a tag for when a smaller character has a bigger penis than the larger character?

I also want to see this, I love images with that. If one is found or made, it should be added to the penis_size_difference wiki to make it easy to find.

Kinda wondering...
Is there a tag for something like, failed_hypnotism?
Like someone was gonna get hypnotised but easily broke out of it and turned the tables? Almost like a "hunter becomes the hunted" situation.
On a related note, is "hunter_becomes_the_hunted" a tag as well?

Is there a tag for characters that are normally feral, but have been drawn as anthros? For example if someone drew an anthro eevee i’d have the tag because eevees are usually feral

ireadabookonce said:
Is there a tag for characters that are normally feral, but have been drawn as anthros? For example if someone drew an anthro eevee i’d have the tag because eevees are usually feral

You probably want anthrofied for that.

There are actually a few tags like this (where their normal form is not this, but this image draws them that way):
anthrofied - normally/originally are not drawn like an anthro, but in this image they are drawn like an anthro
feralized - normally/originally are not drawn like a feral, but in this image they are drawn like a feral
humanized - normally/originally are not drawn like a human, but in this image they are drawn like a human
humanoidized - normally/originally are not drawn like a humanoid, but in this image they are drawn like a humanoid
taurification - normally/originally are not drawn like a taur, but in this image they are drawn like a taur
ponification - normally/originally are not drawn like a pony, but in this image they are drawn like a pony
dragonification - normally/originally are not drawn like a dragon, but in this image they are drawn like a dragon
etc are some of the major ones that are handy to know.

furrypickle said:
You probably want anthrofied for that.

There are actually a few tags like this (where their normal form is not this, but this image draws them that way):
anthrofied - normally/originally are not drawn like an anthro, but in this image they are drawn like an anthro
feralized - normally/originally are not drawn like a feral, but in this image they are drawn like a feral
humanized - normally/originally are not drawn like a human, but in this image they are drawn like a human
humanoidized - normally/originally are not drawn like a humanoid, but in this image they are drawn like a humanoid
taurification - normally/originally are not drawn like a taur, but in this image they are drawn like a taur
ponification - normally/originally are not drawn like a pony, but in this image they are drawn like a pony
dragonification - normally/originally are not drawn like a dragon, but in this image they are drawn like a dragon
etc are some of the major ones that are handy to know.

Yes, this is what I was looking for, thanks!

Do we (should we) have a tag for the wrong cock type? inappropriate_dick or something if there's a knot on a non-(obvious)-hybrid (especially hyenas) or a horsecock on a bull or whatnot. Doing species -knot filters out too much, it only works if you're using the spectags trick for images with single species.

kevsnowcat said:
Do we (should we) have a tag for the wrong cock type? inappropriate_dick or something if there's a knot on a non-(obvious)-hybrid (especially hyenas) or a horsecock on a bull or whatnot. Doing species -knot filters out too much, it only works if you're using the spectags trick for images with single species.

We do have the anatomically_correct set of tags for when the genitalia does match the species. And you can then exclude if you want more mixed genitalia results. Using or excluding that tag would probably get you closer results than -knot would.