Topic: (OLD) The Bug Report Thread

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

This topic has been locked.


500 errors in mod action index + referencing wrong users

Bug: in the Mod Actions list, hiding blips is attributed to the wrong user.

(I hid blip #23 and #24, which were tests that didn't work, but the mod action list displays them as being hidden by takebothpills)

Deleting blips also appears to be bugged, as it should be impossible for a regular user to delete a blip, but BlueFireFox265 is logged as "Deleted blip #20 }"

Also: lots of 500 errors, especially in mod actions.

Updated by anonymous

fixed a major bug causing things to crash when the avatar was set to something invalid.

Updated by anonymous

bug blips with space between name don't get translated right in blips comments
bug users who have spaces in there name don't get their blips responses.
bug on the index and user pages, blips don't automatically focus or add the blip id when focused.
bug automated tag type changes have broken, should probably look into the things tony changed.

Updated by anonymous

Bug: color tags do not affect the way text is displayed in preview
Expected behavior: text in color tags should be displayed as the appropriate color in preview

Note, this is in the javascript

Updated by anonymous

anyone here can show me how to put pictures up as avatar. I am a new member so i'm not know much. Thanks

Updated by anonymous


Unable to change tag types

Bug: Can't change tag type

Expected behavior: When you prepend "artist:" to a tag, e621 should change the tag's type to "artist". Should also work with other tag types.

Actual behavior: e621 doesn't change the tag's type. If it was a "general" tag, it remains a "general" tag.

Steps to duplicate: I went to post #91450 and added the tag "remus_lupin_(artist)". However, e621 ignored all of my attempts to change the tag type from "general" to "artist".

Updated by anonymous

senz said:
anyone here can show me how to put pictures up as avatar. I am a new member so i'm not know much. Thanks

Click My Account, then go to settings. In those settings will be a slot to enter the post number of the image you want as your avatar.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Munkelzahn said:
Bug: Can't change tag type

Expected behavior: When you prepend "artist:" to a tag, e621 should change the tag's type to "artist". Should also work with other tag types.

Actual behavior: e621 doesn't change the tag's type. If it was a "general" tag, it remains a "general" tag.

Steps to duplicate: I went to post #91450 and added the tag "remus_lupin_(artist)". However, e621 ignored all of my attempts to change the tag type from "general" to "artist".

Confirmed as not working. We'll get that fixed asap.

Updated by anonymous


Some posts returning 500 error

Trying to visit post #6890 seems to always return the HTTP/500 Internal Server Error page. Is there something strange about that post, besides being ippiki's avatar picture?

To reproduce: Try visiting post #6890, I get the HTTP 500 every time. :/

Updated by anonymous


poster_id parameter on comment index does not carry over to other pages

Bug: if you filter comments for poster, for example Ippiki or mine, The next button on the comments page drops the poster_ID and every page after the first won't acknowledge the poster_ID if inserted in the url manually.

Expected behavior: Second page and following should still filter the comments after clicking next.

Actual behavior: Comments page lists all global comments. (Drops the poster_ID)

Steps to duplicate:
Long Way: My Account > My Profile > Posts: (View Comments) > go to next page

Short Way: Click > click next

or: alternatively

Additional Info:
Firefox 12.0 / Win7 64.
NoScript running but white listed, google-analytics blacklisted.

Updated by anonymous


Preview function doesn't work for blips

Bug: Blip Preview not working.

Expected behavior: Clicking Preview should show the preview of the blip.

Actual behavior: Button does nothing, no matter how hard I click on my mouse :(

Steps to duplicate: Write a most eloquent blip. Then proceed to click preview in the hopes to spot any and all faulty formattings and/or grammatical mistakes.
Sulk in disappointment.

Works (or isn't working?) on the "My Profile"-Page and on the Blips Page

Still same machine as above.

Updated by anonymous


poster_id parameter on comment index does not carry over to other pages

Bug: Clicking "Next" when looking at comments of posts you uploaded takes you to the normal comments page.

Expected Behavior: Clicking "Next" should lead you to the following page of comments for posts uploaded by a given user.

Actual Behavior: Mentioned above.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
these aren't really bugs, normal browsing behaviour applies here. these are more along the lines of suggestions.


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff


Showing below-threshold comments hides avatars

Bug: When you click on "X comments below threshold" to view the comments below your threshold, all avatars disappear

Expected behavior: Avatars should be unaffected

Actual behavior: Avatars disappear

Steps to duplicate:

Updated by anonymous


poster_id parameter on comment index does not carry over to other pages

Bug: When you click the "comments on your posts" button, there's no second page.

Expected behavior: Enough pages to accommodate all the comments on all of my posts.

Actual behavior: Only one page of comments on my posts, even though I know there's more.

Steps to duplicate: Click the "comments on your posts" button, then scroll to the bottom and click "next", you just get page 2 of the normal comment index.

...maybe this isn't so much a bug as a suggestion. Whatever. -.-;;

.. bug has been fixed.. it's also been reported 6 times

Updated by anonymous


About Me/My Prices boxes showing up, empty, on user profiles

Bug: On a user's profile page, the box for profile & commission info will be shown as long as either the 'About Me' or 'My Prices' fields have non-whitespace content, even if it's only the latter and the account is not flagged as an artist (thus the only potentially visible field is empty).

Expected Behavior: Box not appearing if there is nothing to be seen in it.

Actual Behavior: Box shows up as a thin, rounded separater with no significant interior area and no text contents.

Steps to Duplicate: On a non-artist-listed-account, go to [My Account > Settings], scroll down to 'About Me' and clear the field. Proceed to 'My Prices', and put anything other than pure whitespace.

Updated by anonymous


Unable to change tag types

Bug: Creating a new artist/copyright tag or changing a general tag to any other type causes it to remain as a general tag

Existing artist/chartags seem to work just fine

Expected behavior: Changes to the type indicated before the colon (artist:*, char:*)

Actual behavior: Remains as a general tag

Steps to duplicate:

  • Create any new tag and make it an artist or character tag
  • Change any existing general tag to an artist or character tag

(Opera 11.62)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Bug: When searching with your username in the ticket section, your user complaints doesn't show up

Expected behavior: Your user complaints ticket should be there

Actual behavior: they aren't there

Steps to duplicate:

1) Go to tickets
2) Search with your username
3) Look no user complaints

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

EnergyBlast said:
Bug: (I've only seen it once) Theres only 1 comment hidden (by downvotes), but it says there's 2.

Expected behavior: It should say theres one.

Actual behavior: Says two

Steps to duplicate:

Click "2 comments below threshold." and notice only one shows.

There are, in fact, 2 comments there, but one of them has been hidden. Your point still stands though that the site shouldn't be saying there's 2 comments there if you can only see 1 of them. Thanks for pointing this out.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
There are, in fact, 2 comments there, but one of them has been hidden. Your point still stands though that the site shouldn't be saying there's 2 comments there if you can only see 1 of them. Thanks for pointing this out.

Ah, I see, no problem, If I find another buggity bug, I'll see if I can post it.

Updated by anonymous


In the post/index page the link is still active next to a thumbnail if the image width is not 150px.
You can correct this by addingin in the css:

span.thumb > a { display: inline-block; }

Updated by anonymous


Blacklist not working for thumbnails in comments

Bug: Blacklisted pictures thumbnails still show even if the picture has a tag that is blacklisted on the comments index

Expected behavior: It shouldn't show even on the comments index. (I think the Blacklist update caused this, since before it, it worked fine.)

Actual behavior: Thumbnails with a blacklisted tag in it still show normally instead of showing the "Blacklisted" pic.

Steps to duplicate: Blacklist anything, like mlp, then go to the comments index.

Also a Note, Im running on Firefox 12.0 if that makes any difference.

Updated by anonymous


Blip statistic in user profiles is shown twice

Bug: The row containing blip count on user profiles is duplicated.

Expected behavior: There should only be one row for blip count.

Actual behavior: There are two rows that display blip count.

Steps to duplicate: Go to any user profile, such as EnergyBlast's, mine, or your own.

Updated by anonymous


SSL not working on user pages

Seemed to happen right before the last javascript-fix update (Can anyone else confirm this?)

Bug: 1. The User Profile pages don't seem to be SSL encrypted (including the mail panel),but everywhere else is

2. Automatic redirection seems disabled when trying to access the main page (it works if you manually enter the https:// scheme or come from a part of the site that's https supported, such as the forums)

Expected behavior: Enabled automatic redirection, secure login page & User Profile pages

Actual behavior: The User Profile pages remain in http even though the url is manually edited

Steps to duplicate:

  • Visit the home page; no https redirection would occur unless you came from a part of the site already encrypted
  • Visit any part of the User Profile; no https scheme turns up even if it's manually entered or when previously coming from another part of the site's with https support (such as the forums)

Using Opera 11.62, Windows XP Pro, SP3
Javscript & cookies (non-3rd party) enabled for e6

Updated by anonymous

Bug: Tag subscriptions are gone

Steps to duplicate:
Go to my profile

Expected behavior:
List of tag subscriptions at the top is not displayed.

Actual behavior:
It should be displayed. I don't know what its original purpose is, as tag subscriptions at the bottom of the profile page were always empty, but I was actively using these subscriptions as links to search quickly.

P.S. In the bug template from the first message in this thread, steps to duplicate should come before behavior description. It's more natural.

(waiting for response from other coders as to why this is removed)

Updated by anonymous


User blacklist doesn't work for users with capital letters in their name

Bug: Blacklisting a username that contains capital letters doesn't seem to work

Expected behavior: Being effective regardless of case

Steps to duplicate: Blacklist any name (user:*) that contains capital letters, such as user:Aurali , user:Char etc.

N.B. With the exception of A-Z, other alphanumeric/printable code ( a-z, 0-9, !/@/# etc.) still works. Not sure about non-Latin scripts (あ,ア,б, 阿 etc.)

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Dtext thumbnails appears to be broken.


They still don't work when previewing ones own comment.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not sure why, but when I click the "X comments below threshold" link, the entire page goes white. Everything disappears—background, image, comments, links, tags, all of it.

Browsing with Google Chrome 18.0.1025.168 m.


Updated by anonymous


Standard dtext formatting no longer works/previewable

Bug: Standard text formatting commands don't seem to work (spoilers,bold,italicized and strikeout)

Expected behavior: Displaying their various formats as typed

Steps to duplicate: Try previewing the following for comparison:



N.B. Quoted text with spoilers seem to work fine (comment #784184)

Updated by anonymous


< > & in comments are broken

Bug: Certain characters in comments are escaped to html safe strings.

Expected behavior: Use of pointy brackets or ampersands on the board shouldn't be altered.

Actual behavior:
Left pointy bracket: <
Right pointy bracket: >
Ampersand: &

Steps to duplicate: Use these characters and preview or post. You can also find the use of these characters in existing comments because the bug extends to all comments, not just new ones.

Updated by anonymous

Bug: When you edit an artist, e621 reverses the order of the URL's

Expected behavior: the order of the URL's should stay the same

Actual behavior: it gets reversed

Steps to duplicate:

1) go to any artist page, for example this one:

2) click "edit"

3) click "save"

4) instant reversal!

(not fixing)

Updated by anonymous

Bug: thumbnails don't show up in forum previews

Expected behavior: they should

Actual behavior: they don't

Steps to duplicate:

1) create a forum post with a thumbnail, like this:

thumb # 216008

(remove the space between # and 216008)

2) click "preview"

3) the preview doesn't show the thumbnail

(not gonna be fixable do to rendering conflicts.)

Updated by anonymous

Unable to upload image
(more specific)
wanted to upload but would not upload with url uploading feature. I then download it and try to upload it, but first get a file not found error, then I get a wrong file type error when it's only a jpg. If it helps, this is from my android, but that should not effect the url upload feature. Looked at weither or not I was allowed to post and how much, and everything is normal.

Steps to reproduce:
self explanatory

Tried uploading with a different app and everything worked fine. Ignore, the problem was on my end. Would the propped proceedure be to delete this post, even though the url uploading still broken? Also the strike tag is not working for me, and did you know that autocorrect thought that the word working is actually spoon?

(strike is an inline effect, it won't work multi paragraph, - Aurali)

Updated by anonymous

TripleExploder said:
Unable to upload image
(more specific)
wanted to upload but would not upload with url uploading feature. I then download it and try to upload it, but first get a file not found error, then I get a wrong file type error when it's only a jpg. If it helps, this is from my android, but that should not effect the url upload feature. Looked at weither or not I was allowed to post and how much, and everything is normal.Steps to reproduce:
self explanatory

Tried uploading with a different app and everything worked fine. Ignore, the problem was on my end. Would the propped proceedure be to delete this post, even though the url uploading still broken? Also the strike tag is not working for me, and did you know that autocorrect thought that the word working is actually spoon?

The site uploader doesn't handle URLs starting with https://. Change the https to http and it'll go through.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff


Deleted posts screw up the note index

Bug: The Note page seems too screw up every time there is a deleted post on a page

Expected behavior: Every post should be in the grid

Actual behavior: It's messed up

Steps to duplicate: Look at a page with deleted post(s)

Updated by anonymous

Thumbnail border colors for avatars are no longer hidden.


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff


Colors don't work in DText previews

Bug: colors aren't showing up in the preview.

Expected behavior: They should (i think?)

Actual behavior: The words stay White

Steps to duplicate: Try using one of these and hit preview

some red text
some green text
some yellow text

Updated by anonymous

DragonRanger said:
Thumbnail border colors for avatars are no longer hidden.


Why is this intentional?

Updated by anonymous

Bug: cannot vote on flagged images

Expected behavior: you should be able to

Actual behavior: i spill ketchup on my shirt

Steps to duplicate: take a spiritual journey with the buffalo

Updated by anonymous

DragonRanger said:
Why is this intentional?

It shouldn't be, I specifically made borders hidden because they were ugly.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
It shouldn't be, I specifically made borders hidden because they were ugly.

I figured as much, but someone edited my original post claiming that the border color being brought back was intentional, but didn't elaborate.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Bug: cannot vote on flagged images

Expected behavior: you should be able to

Actual behavior: i spill ketchup on my shirt

Steps to duplicate: take a spiritual journey with the buffalo

On that note, every other post's vote up/down buttons are missing and on a severed note, avatars are missing until I reload.

Updated by anonymous

Issue: Child posts flagged for deletion seem to have a yellow thumbnail border instead of a red thumbnail border
Expected behavior: Some indication that the image is flagged for deletion
Actual behavior: Image only appears to be child post


Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
On that note, every other post's vote up/down buttons are missing and on a severed note, avatars are missing until I reload.


Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:

It's random. Same posts are inconsistent. Avatars not showing up happens most often in forums with high page numbers.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
It's random. Same posts are inconsistent. Avatars not showing up happens most often in forums with high page numbers.

I can't duplicate at all, think it might be you :(

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I can't duplicate at all, think it might be you :(

It probably is. I usually don't experience any of the same bugs that are posted here.

Updated by anonymous

Bug: cannot blip or comment
steps taken: attempt blip or comment

resolution: removed failed "preview" fix from live system

That was a fun two hours Tony >.>

Updated by anonymous

Bug: While checking me some CSS errors (yes is that CSS) I encountered this on Opera's Error Console:

(31/05/2012 6:04:53 Pm) CSS -
Linked-in stylesheet
Invalid value for property: box-shadow
Line 95:
(31/05/2012 6:04:53 Pm) CSS -
Linked-in stylesheet
Declaration syntax error
Line 596:
  .code { border:1px dashed #aaf; padding:1em 1em;11 overflow:hidden; font-family:

Expected behavior: box-shadow:0; should be box-shadow: 0px;. And what is that 11 before overflow?
Actuial behavior: I think this has to do with square shadows on radio buttons.
Steps to duplicate: On any post, click Edit, and look on the Rating radio buttons, They have square shadows

Note: Sorry if someone saw just the error boxes, accidentally clicked on "Post"

Updated by anonymous

xLuna said:
Bug: While checking me some CSS errors (yes is that CSS) I encountered this on Opera's Error Console:

(31/05/2012 6:04:53 Pm) CSS -
Linked-in stylesheet
Invalid value for property: box-shadow
Line 95:
(31/05/2012 6:04:53 Pm) CSS -
Linked-in stylesheet
Declaration syntax error
Line 596:
  .code { border:1px dashed #aaf; padding:1em 1em;11 overflow:hidden; font-family:

Expected behavior: box-shadow:0; should be box-shadow: 0px;. And what is that 11 before overflow?
Actuial behavior: I think this has to do with square shadows on radio buttons.
Steps to duplicate: On any post, click Edit, and look on the Rating radio buttons, They have square shadows

Note: Sorry if someone saw just the error boxes, accidentally clicked on "Post"

Thanks, fixed! The first one is indeed the reason radio inputs still had shadows, and the second one didn't actually affect anything because the overflow isn't doing anything anyway.

Adrian_Blazevic said:

"After a '0' number, the unit identifier is optional."

It's the standard, but Opera (and possibly other browsers) don't recognize it correctly and require 'none'.

Updated by anonymous

Bug: If a username is too large, it might get "mixed" with the comment.

Expected behavior: Eh

Actual behavior: Large name + Comment = last letters of the name inside the comment.

Steps to duplicate: I only seen this one once too, I was randomly browsing images, then I came up to this one:

Check "RunningWithTheWolves" comment, see his name gets mixed with his comment.

Updated by anonymous


Forum threads are bumped when posts are deleted

Bug: Really old forums are bumping/being bumped but show no new post

Expected behavior: If a thread dies it should stay buried.

Actual behavior: Threads are coming back from the dead as zombies

Steps to duplicate: Find a dead forum and look at the date of the last post.

Side note: Either something isn't showing the right value or someone is necroing threads and then deleting their post. It says last updated 17 minutes ago in the index and last updated 3 years ago in the actual thread

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
Bug: Really old forums are bumping/being bumped but show no new post

Expected behavior: If a thread dies it should stay buried.

Actual behavior: Threads are coming back from the dead as zombies

Steps to duplicate: Find a dead forum and look at the date of the last post.

Side note: Either something isn't showing the right value or someone is necroing threads and then deleting their post. It says last updated 17 minutes ago in the index and last updated 3 years ago in the actual thread

Someone's deleting their old forum posts. Doing that bumps the topic.

Updated by anonymous


Code blocks don't preserve whitespace

Bug: \

blocks do not preserve indentation of lines.

[b]Expected behavior:[/b] \[code] blocks should preserve indentation of lines to preserve readability.

[b]Actual behavior:[/b] Each line of code in a \[code] block has whitespace removed from the front of it.

[b]Steps to duplicate:[/b] An example can be seen "here":/forum/show/36246. 

It looks like we switch to a fixed-width font in code blocks, any chance of getting a <pre> tag added into the HTML for code blocks, so browsers will automatically preserve indentation? 

Also, I notice that the whitespace at the beginning of the first line of each code block was completely trimmed out, but the remaining whitespace at the beginning of each line after the first was left in the HTML. So asides from the first line, it's just a matter of the browser refusing to render the whitespace (Firefox 12.0, not sure about others but my own past experience in web development is that this is common behavior).

Updated by anonymous

Not A Bug

Pending Posts Shifted To Left

Bug: Pending Posts are Squished Towards the Left

Expected Behavior: Post Should Be Positioned Like Other, Approved Posts.

Actual Behavior: The whole page breaks

Side Notes: Unsure if this is a browser bug or a bug with e621 itself. I am using Chromium v21.0.1155.2 under Arch Linux x86_64. Clearing my cache and using the --disable-extensions flag did not affect the issue.

Screenshots Of Issue:
Broken, Pending Post:
Same Post Working, Now Approved:

Yep. It was a browser Bug. Fixed with chromium 21.0.1163.0.

Updated by anonymous

DarkSniper said:
Bug: Pending Posts are Squished Towards the Left

Expected Behavior: Post Should Be Positioned Like Other, Approved Posts.

Actual Behavior: The whole page breaks

Side Notes: Unsure if this is a browser bug or a bug with e621 itself. I am using Chromium v21.0.1155.2 under Arch Linux x86_64. Clearing my cache and using the --disable-extensions flag did not affect the issue.

Screenshots Of Issue:
Broken, Pending Post:
Same Post Working, Now Approved:

I think it's a browser thing, since I've seen several pending posts without problems.

Updated by anonymous

xLuna said:
I think it's a browser thing, since I've seen several pending posts without problems.

Indeed, I just got a chance to download the stable channel package (19.0.1084.52) and the issue is gone, so it must be a bug affecting the Chromium version I'm using. Looks like I have to deal with it until the next dev build release, which hopefully has a fix for whatever's causing this weird rendering glitch.

Updated by anonymous

DarkSniper said:
Indeed, I just got a chance to download the stable channel package (19.0.1084.52) and the issue is gone, so it must be a bug affecting the Chromium version I'm using. Looks like I have to deal with it until the next dev build release, which hopefully has a fix for whatever's causing this weird rendering glitch.

make a note of this, because I will tell you now we won't support beta browsers ;)

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
make a note of this, because I will tell you now we won't support beta browsers ;)

That's undersandable, since betas have bugs

Updated by anonymous

Bug: Blacklist not working for avatars

Expected behavior: Blacklisted images blocked/covered with white/grey Blacklist.. thingy.

Actual behavior: Can see the image in its full glory.

Steps to duplicate: I'm not sure how to replicate it, but I do have a screenshot!

My blacklist terms are scat and hoihoi.
I'm also using Chrome 19.0.1084.52 m, and Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
Edit: Better screenshot because I'm dumb.. and paranoid.

Updated by anonymous

Crystalinn said:
Bug: Blacklist not working for avatars

Expected behavior: Blacklisted images blocked/covered with white/grey Blacklist.. thingy.

Actual behavior: Can see the image in its full glory.

Steps to duplicate: I'm not sure how to replicate it, but I do have a screenshot!

My blacklist terms are scat and hoihoi.
I'm also using Chrome 19.0.1084.52 m, and Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
Edit: Better screenshot because I'm dumb.. and paranoid.

There's a checkbox in your settings to apply the blacklist to avatars.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
There's a checkbox in your settings to apply the blacklist to avatars.

Oh, alright. Thanks!

Updated by anonymous

Server doesn't like me. :(

Actually, I don't know if it's just me (no one has reported thus AFAIK) but I occasionally get a 500 Server Error. The site WILL LOAD if I refresh, but sometimes it takes multiple refreshes. Not sure what is causing this as it's a sporadic issue.

I just had this problem a few minutes ago though.

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:

Fix Pending

User blacklist doesn't work for users with capital letters in their name

Bug: Blacklisting a username that contains capital letters doesn't seem to work

Expected behavior: Being effective regardless of case

Steps to duplicate: Blacklist any name (user:*) that contains capital letters, such as user:Aurali , user:Char etc.

N.B. With the exception of A-Z, other alphanumeric/printable code ( a-z, 0-9, !/@/# etc.) still works. Not sure about non-Latin scripts (あ,ア,б, 阿 etc.)

It works!Thanks for the fix
Using capital letters or common doesn't seem to make a difference with respect to functioning properly

Updated by anonymous