xuse created by chemicalalia
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Oh baby!

  • Comments
  • The Dog In Your Guitar said:
    This, good people, is the NEW FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    And for suggesting that, I vote for you as new president.

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  • tothemaxx1991 said:
    Umm... Okay? What exactly am I seeing here?

    alright, ill say it again. but just because im in a good mood.
    simple and pure: toasted anus... i mean frosted butts.

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  • Causing_hell said:
    First of all they were insulting my native people and secnd it was something on deviantart when she blocked me before being able to explain, making me frustrated. Get away from me.

    First off, if you have a concern you are trying to raise with me, direct it to me, and not the picture I happen to use as my avatar.

    Second, I don't care. At all. Your reasoning for your hostility is completely irrelevant and I don't need to hear it. Be nice to people on this site and you will stop hearing from me. Simple as that. If you can't abide by this simple and fundamental guideline, then do not comment. You want me to stop hassling you about your behavior, then stop being a dick.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    First off, if you have a concern you are trying to raise with me, direct it to me, and not the picture I happen to use as my avatar.

    Second, I don't care. At all. Your reasoning for your hostility is completely irrelevant and I don't need to hear it. Be nice to people on this site and you will stop hearing from me. Simple as that. If you can't abide by this simple and fundamental guideline, then do not comment. You want me to stop hassling you about your behavior, then stop being a dick.

    What was that all about?

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    First off, if you have a concern you are trying to raise with me, direct it to me, and not the picture I happen to use as my avatar.

    Second, I don't care. At all. Your reasoning for your hostility is completely irrelevant and I don't need to hear it. Be nice to people on this site and you will stop hearing from me. Simple as that. If you can't abide by this simple and fundamental guideline, then do not comment. You want me to stop hassling you about your behavior, then stop being a dick.

    I agree good sir

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  • Mrmcmanman8 said:
    alright, ill say it again. but just because im in a good mood.
    simple and pure: toasted anus... i mean frosted butts.

    Toasted anus Bwahahahaha! oh god. you deserve an internet here -hands an internet-

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  • Reinard_Blanche said:
    You know, I'd probably find this rather disturbing if I didn't see it everyday.

    cheers, ippiki.


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  • Mylittleponyisbest said:
    Oh good lord. It looks so angry.

    I don't usually do this, but I thought of it as soon as I posted.

    "That's one angry pussy"

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  • I would really, really love to know the backstory to the whole "Frosted Butts" thing. I feel like it's such an important part of, like, e621 lore.

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  • The Dog In Your Guitar said:
    This, good people, is the NEW FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    I dont know what to think...

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  • I find something extremely disturbing about this picture butt I cant quite put my finger in it...
    I think its the tail.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    First off, if you have a concern you are trying to raise with me, direct it to me, and not the picture I happen to use as my avatar.

    Second, I don't care. At all. Your reasoning for your hostility is completely irrelevant and I don't need to hear it. Be nice to people on this site and you will stop hearing from me. Simple as that. If you can't abide by this simple and fundamental guideline, then do not comment. You want me to stop hassling you about your behavior, then stop being a dick.

    If the Admin makes your picture his avatar.... I would feel honored.

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  • Damn, this was posted 15 years ago. I feel old. I became a furry back in 2008 when I was only in grade 6 (11 years old). So this was posted about a year before I discovered the fandom.

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    First off, if you have a concern you are trying to raise with me, direct it to me, and not the picture I happen to use as my avatar.

    Second, I don't care. At all. Your reasoning for your hostility is completely irrelevant and I don't need to hear it. Be nice to people on this site and you will stop hearing from me. Simple as that. If you can't abide by this simple and fundamental guideline, then do not comment. You want me to stop hassling you about your behavior, then stop being a dick.

    Username is Causing_hell. Sounds about right.

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