created by chemicalalia
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »

Original Upload Date: Apr 23, 2006

DeviantArt Description

Oh baby!

  • Comments
  • kiplag said:
    I want to see what ippiki ookami has to say.

    If someone makes this their avatar other than ippiki, I'll like to meet that person.

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  • The "Frosted Butts" text was the ONLY thing about this image that made any sense. Without it, I'm not sure what to think.

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  • Stone_Rhino said:
    The "Frosted Butts" text was the ONLY thing about this image that made any sense. Without it, I'm not sure what to think.

    says the one with a walrus merry-go-round avatar >.>

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  • Stone_Rhino said:
    The "Frosted Butts" text was the ONLY thing about this image that made any sense. Without it, I'm not sure what to think.

    life2all said:
    says the one with a walrus merry-go-round avatar >.>


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