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In response to blip #124473

Daleport996 said:
Actually, now that I look back at it, it's not that much more disturbing than a lot of other stuff that I've seen.

Though, with a huge emphasis on "that I've seen."

Maybe I'm just desensitized to that kind of stuff now. Who knows.

Oh yeah, without a doubt. It's sufficiently disturbing for the vast majority of people, and has become mainstream enough, that it gets its reputation

In response to blip #124455

coyotebear said:
@Kemonophonic: @W0LFB3AT5:

Sounds like both of y'all need to get outside more.

I mean,

me, too

I have just been taking good multi vitamins for years :3

Doc said that’s what I lacked on doing. Today I just played with my doggos outside for a bit to pass the time anyways… 🤷‍♂️

My life has improved since I started to draw over animal memes as pokemon with spanish text. Best moments of my life I swear.

In response to blip #124439

Dripen_Arn said:
black midi the genre of music what which maximizes the number of notes in a song: would've gotten way deeper into it way about a decade ago if 90% of the songs weren't just bad apple (tho i do have a newfound appreciation of touhou music suddenly)

Touhou black midi is the only type of music where the piano roll looks like the game.

In response to blip #124437

Sunbather said:
Any black midi fans on e621? Can't be the only one.

black midi the band: been meaning to get into their discography, The Race Is About To Begin fucking rocks my brain forever

black midi the genre of music what which maximizes the number of notes in a song: would've gotten way deeper into it way about a decade ago if 90% of the songs weren't just bad apple (tho i do have a newfound appreciation of touhou music suddenly)

You know it seems everytime a few days after friday 13th all the bs happens its like its time delayed or something

In response to blip #124431

Daleport996 said:
You know that binary_drawing is such an underutilized tag when every time you click next page, another artist tag show up at the side.

I suspect that plenty of people work on their artwork this way. It's just that then, you downscale the result so it has nice antialiased edges :)

I would be interested to see if someone uploaded the original binary of their image, and also a downscaled one which was the intended delivery resolution, which one would be removed as "lower quality".

Mysterious liquid inside a half empty Japanese wine bottle on the pedestrian crossing bridge!

Is it white wine? Is it bootleg alcohol? Or is it rain water?

All I know it can't be piss because it's way too clear to have come from someone who would've done it there.

In response to blip #124415

@W0LFB3AT5: man you're lucky to get to see it for whole ass minutes, i didn't even know there was a solar eclipse happening today, and even if i knew i couldn't see it because it was overcast to hell and back today

glad you were able to see one for the first time, couldn't tell you the last time i've seen a lunar eclipse (and honestly i don't even think i've seen a solar eclipse either