What is the internet? A little miserable pile of secrets!
What is the internet? A little miserable pile of secrets!
W0LFB3AT5 said:
And I’ll be sure to add you on Spotify if you make it. Promise! 😄
Much appreciated man! ^_^
Dripen_Arn said:
shoutouts to OneFattyCatty for the total surge of dynamite_headdy art coming here. glad to see a fellow headdy-head around
Ah yes, for the longest time, I thought he was a cat. Buuut, is actually a bear.
Daleport996 said:
Well, actually I feel underachieving because I don't write (and didn't plan to), but I felt like I should've.Idk, probably it was the mixed feeling I had after reading that I can't even explain what it is (because to be fair, the story I read was fucked up), and my brain just kinda tried to interpret it as me being jealous or something.
Or some other thing. I'm evidently not qualified to talk about psychology
I mean, if you dont want to write you dont have to right?
Maybe you were in awe of how good the story was and wanted to create something like it?
Im also not qualified, but i do try to help.
shoutouts to OneFattyCatty for the total surge of dynamite_headdy art coming here. glad to see a fellow headdy-head around
Currently listening to Dave Angel - Free Flow
Iconique said:
girl the hashtag i have blacklisted is female, i'm a raging homosexual
(I wish i could blacklist only the rating:questionable and rating:explicit female tags)
You are aware you can blacklist a combination of tags right? just put female -rating:s on one line
somethingedgey said:
I know i can easily say stuff because i dont create, but please take my word and know, that whatever you may write, that its good.
Well, actually I feel underachieving because I don't write (and didn't plan to), but I felt like I should've. Or maybe I shouldn't.
I mean, I don't get jealous of everyone here who makes good music, even though I don't make music myself and never planned to.
Idk, probably it was the mixed feeling I had after reading that I can't even explain what it is (because to be fair, the story I read was fucked up), and my brain just kinda tried to interpret it as me being jealous or something.
Or some other thing. I'm evidently not qualified to talk about psychology.
Dokter, turn off my happiness inhibitors
DragonFox69 said:
Thanks bro! I'm currently learning how to sing and it's going quite well, hopefully once I add that to my skills I'll have everything I need in place. :)
And I’ll be sure to add you on Spotify if you make it. Promise! 😄
Daleport996 said:
1• Furry writers are so god damn insane at what they do. Like, some of the best horror I've read are also the best porn I've read.
2• But I definitely think that I'm kinda underachieving.
1• yeah that shit is good, im never really a book/writing type guy, but holy shit some stories have me HOOKED. (Of all categories (including porn))
2• if you always think you are underachieving, you probably set your own standards too high.
No matter how shitty you think your writing is, theres always someone who thinks your stuff is good
Because it doesnt matter what the quality is, its more important that some sort of passoon goes into it.
I know i can easily say stuff because i dont create, but please take my word and know, that whatever you may write, that its good.
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Thanks so much, brotha! You should get out there too as well! Your rock music is killer! :D
Thanks bro! I'm currently learning how to sing and it's going quite well, hopefully once I add that to my skills I'll have everything I need in place. :)
DragonFox69 said:
Awesome! Congratulations man! ^_^
Thanks so much, brotha! You should get out there too as well! Your rock music is killer! :D
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Just got accepted on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Bandcamp…I’m getting noticed everywhere now! It’s a dream come true. 😊
Awesome! Congratulations man! ^_^
Just got accepted on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Bandcamp…
I’m getting noticed everywhere now! It’s a dream come true. 😊
Dripen_Arn said:
you willing to get flashed by butts?
girl the hashtag i have blacklisted is female, i'm a raging homosexual
(I wish i could blacklist only the rating:questionable and rating:explicit female tags)
Furry writers are so god damn insane at what they do. Like, some of the best horror I've read are also the best porn I've read.
Like, it's not the "No more going to the bathroom in the middle of the night for me." kind of scary, but the "... Holy shit..." kind of scary. Even if the porn elements are removed.
Honestly, I don't know what I feel about them. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. But I definitely think that I'm kinda underachieving.
sonja said:
Bismarck and Benjamin Disraeli would totally bang
But how would he fare against the eight 15 inch guns? This seems one sided. Unless you meant something else when you said "bang".
I'm currently cleaning up goth because for some reason the actual style is undertagged while the tag itself is overtagged... (Black makeup/hair? Must be goth! Not to start on all the tags of punks/emos/etc. as goth...)
Bismarck and Benjamin Disraeli would totally bang
French_Fried said:
Im in my last semester of college now
Hope it goes well for you
i made more weird shit. my computer screams in horror once i open fl studio. triple buffering forever enabled. i will lose my ability to hear within the next .1 milliseconds probably
Im in my last semester of college now
Iconique said:
The amount of blacklisted pfps...(its bc when im searching cute stuff i dont wanna get flashed by boobs im SORRY)
you willing to get flashed by butts?
never not working
yey <3
The amount of blacklisted pfps...
(its bc when im searching cute stuff i dont wanna get flashed by boobs im SORRY)
Huh. This exists.
somethingedgey said:
Will do!
Much thanks! 😄❤️
W0LFB3AT5 said:
I finally made it on Spotify!Also made it on i❤️Radio, and Amazon Music!
It would be greatly appreciated if yall could take the time to give my album a listen. 😊
Will do!
Daleport996 said:
@wickedFauna: @somethingedgey:
Ah, alright then. Seems like my suspicion is kinda unfounded. I'm sorry about that.
I Mean, its a suspicion, of course it doesnt need a foundation.
Also made it on i❤️Radio, and Amazon Music!
It would be greatly appreciated if yall could take the time to give my album a listen. 😊
i can't believe i only just now heard about jane remover's census designated because of a goddamn scott the woz ytpmv
Currently listening to Don Carlos - Alone
1neu said:
in my "try to make a response to a conversation and get scared because i'm not adding anything and just rephrasing what was already said, go figure and fumble" era. i just might eat shit this year. thx 'tism.
Honestly, even if its just rephrasing things, it still could give another look into the convo
Dont be afraid to voice your own opinion/facts, even if it has been said before.
I know thats very easy to type but very hard to actually do, but please try, do it for you and me.
@wickedFauna: @somethingedgey:
Ah, alright then. Seems like my suspicion is kinda unfounded. I'm sorry about that.
Bad Gear - Why would anyone want this???
Nah, fuck that. I own one of these and I absolutely love it.
in my "try to make a response to a conversation and get scared because i'm not adding anything and just rephrasing what was already said, go figure and fumble" era. i just might eat shit this year. thx 'tism.
By the way, the reason why i keep saying that its "in my case" is
1. EVERY single case is UNIQUE and 2 people with autism will not experience things in the same way.
Yes, even twins would experience autism in a whole different way
2. I know what my Autism "feels" like, i cannot speak for other people.
Brad Marchand is so wily, so devious
he may just be a shaved raccoon
wearing people clothes
and by that, I mean 'hockey gear'
Daleport996 said:
I don't mean to belittle anyone, but if I thought nothing was going on with you guys
Neurodivergence isnt really conveyable through text, its (in my case atleast) pure behavior and my way of talking.
I may have specific interests that can be traced back to my autism, but not something that can be noticed in text.
Daleport996 said:
@1neu: @wickedFauna: @Dragonlord2328: @somethingedgey: @Kemonophonic:Somehow, this whole conversation makes me kinda want to get myself evaluated as well? Like, from what I see, the way we all speak with each other here are kinda how I expect everyone on the internet would.
I don't mean to belittle anyone, but if I thought nothing was going on with you guys, is there something going on with me? And I'm the guy who actively draws weird fetish art on the internet. That's one thing I don't see everyone doing.
But, idk. I'll be honest, I'm just being curious. Also, I don't know how I'd feel telling someone IRL what I regularly knock myself up to.
someone's behaviour on a semi-social media site is not enough to assess their neurological situatation. If you feel like you might be neurodivergent, talk about it with a psychiatrist. After all, this helps know yourself better, and knowing is half the battle!
Kemonophonic said:
@Daleport996: It's all good. No offense taken.Also, I just realised I forgot to add @Dragonlord2328 to my previous blip. Sorry about that!
Its cool :D
@1neu: @wickedFauna: @Dragonlord2328: @somethingedgey: @Kemonophonic:
i never learned how to process stuff correctly ever. but this entire conversation has got me thinkin that i need to dig into my brain more to try to figure out what's up. i don't have anything clever to add to the end of this. (<3)
@Daleport996: It's all good. No offense taken.
Also, I just realised I forgot to add @Dragonlord2328 to my previous blip. Sorry about that!
@1neu: @wickedFauna: @Dragonlord2328: @somethingedgey: @Kemonophonic:
Somehow, this whole conversation makes me kinda want to get myself evaluated as well? Like, from what I see, the way we all speak with each other here are kinda how I expect everyone on the internet would.
I don't mean to belittle anyone, but if I thought nothing was going on with you guys, is there something going on with me? And I'm the guy who actively draws weird fetish art on the internet. That's one thing I don't see everyone doing.
But, idk. I'll be honest, I'm just being curious. Also, I don't know how I'd feel telling someone IRL what I regularly knock myself up to.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone. I could definitely have phrased my sentences better.
@1neu: @wickedFauna: @somethingedgey:
I suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and severe anxiety.
1neu said:
been in denial that i have autism. i actually do. fuck. i'm forever autistic.
Autism is something that (sadly) wont change, however, you can learn to go along with it.
I got diagnosed with PDD-NOS when i was 12
And hearing that diagnose made the reason why i did everything in the way i did, Much clearer.
Its very easy to say you have to "deal with it" and feel good about myself, but i know thats not the solution.
you need to learn to embrace your autism and make the most of it .
If you feel you want to talk about being neurodivergent (and struggles with having it) feel free to dm me.
1neu said:
been in denial that i have autism. i actually do. fuck. i'm forever autistic.
As someone whos also on the spectrum i was in denial until i got diagnosed officially but youre still you no matter what anyone thinks
As a Millennial, about three-quarters of this is true about me.
Yikes… 😅
1neu said:
been in denial that i have autism. i actually do. fuck. i'm forever autistic.
that's nothing to be upset about. You're still the same you, you've just discovered that some of your quirks take root in your neurology rather than your personality. Just that.
been in denial that i have autism. i actually do. fuck. i'm forever autistic.
somethingedgey said:
1. Really funny pic
2. You are a ballsy mother fucker, i would not have dared such an dangerous move.
At this point I'm gonna do anything to meet another furry IRL. The only 2 furries I know IRL are my friend I've known since childhood and still talk to this day, and a guy I met in college once and don't know his contact. Neither of them are the kinky kind.
Also, my brother kinda hates me for being a furry. Though, it's mostly on me for being cringe. But we still get along.
Mdf said:
Need that... that too... good for a laugh.. delete.. kinda useful...... oh, what's this?
Oh damn, this site has social media. o_O
Maybe I'll use it.
Welcome back to the blips after 4 years
Daleport996 said:
Dear diary,
Today I used a reaction image I drew using my fursona outside of a furry group chat, and nobody called me out.Also, I still need to find my real diary. I spent money on it.
Ok, as I was writing this, one guy called me out for being a furry. But he already knew I was a furry. In fact, I showed him my FA gallery.Edit: Ok, you know what. I lied. Practically, nobody in my friend group knows what furry is. Nor do they even care.
1. Really funny pic
2. You are a ballsy mother fucker, i would not have dared such an dangerous move.
Clearing out all the favorites that have been deleted over my time here. Saving what I can still find, reminiscing what I can't, angry with those that didn't provide sources...
Thumbed through RE6's options and features. Think I'll tinker with the banner and trim it down.
Need that... that too... good for a laugh.. delete.. kinda useful...... oh, what's this?
Oh damn, this site has social media. o_O
Maybe I'll use it.
Looking for more people to play BF4 on Xbox ahaa
Played atomic heart again today and remembered why i ragequit last time at least its on gamepass
I don't know why, but I'm feeling a sense of uneasiness right now. Like, if I accidentally touched too many things in a room before I realized someone just got killed there, and now I'm just sitting at home waiting for the cops to knock on the door.
It's really sad to see an artist change their opinion on what they do, and decide to stop what they were doing. I guess I'm in no position to contest someone's life decision, but I honestly kinda feel bad for them.
if dresses were invented today, they'd pobably be called something like shkirts
"*puppy eyes* pwease god don't let me be mid... i need Like and Engagement on Social Media to Dopamine.... PLEASE!!!! NO MID! YOU MID!!!!!!!!" i say as i turn into a fine dust
Dear diary,
Today I used a reaction image I drew using my fursona outside of a furry group chat, and nobody called me out.
Also, I still need to find my real diary. I spent money on it.
Ok, as I was writing this, one guy called me out for being a furry. But he already knew I was a furry. In fact, I showed him my FA gallery.
Edit: Ok, you know what. I lied. Practically, nobody in my friend group knows what furry is. Nor do they even care.
Critical_Stiban said:
Bit of an odd thing but I wish there was sort of a way to look through tags by obscurity. The more a tag has the more it appears or doing a _asc version would have you start with less of them and gradually do more.
Would be interesting to see