Currently listening to Omni Trio - Nu Birth Of Cool (Rogue Unit Remix)
Currently listening to Omni Trio - Nu Birth Of Cool (Rogue Unit Remix)
Ipsi said:
Happy (belated) New Year! Here's to more furry art 🥂
And to you too :)
Happy (belated) New Year! Here's to more furry art 🥂
Currently listening to Foul Play - Finest Illusion (Illegal Mix)
i gotta start being mysterious. i gotta give off ARG vibes. oddly comforting for no reason vibes. Fuckign cryptid vibes
Where my XTC fans on e621 at??????
W0LFB3AT5 said:
2023 went by quick this year.Or maybe that’s just me…
After the slog of the lockdown years, time just lost meaning.
somethingedgey said:
Its a good cause, dont get me wrong.
I believe ravetheroom put it best:
ravetheroom said:
This Helen Lovejoy "think of the children" tripe is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door. This is not about protecting children. Parents are meant to protect their children. This is about governments trying to have more and more control over the internet.
Hope everyone has had a good New Years Eve and New Years Day :D
i'm on that maximalist shit biiitch!!!!!
A loooot of YouTubers taking advantage of Mickey’s Steamboat Willy video now that it’s a public domain…
What a way to start a new year…
LividPringles said:
I tried viewing the news at the top of the page, but absent mindedly clicked dismiss without reading it first, what did it say?
Sou can also see news here:
Did username requirements just change? I haven't change my account name since I opened it; today I get a banner telling me my username cannot be solely numbers.
Dragonlord2328 said:
Its because of a law thats come up which blocks adult content without id verification, ph is also blocked over there.
Its a good cause, dont get me wrong.
But it kinda useless seeing what technology we have in todays day and age.
@pizzapug26: wasn't
It's 2010 my dudes!
Happy New Year, gooners
Fappy Nude Deer bois!
453533I2242522992573 said:
dude tim sweeny coin is the futuee etherum cockchain. $TIM bruno powroznik voice top 10 things i did in 2024
are you okay?
dude tim sweeny coin is the futuee etherum cockchain. $TIM bruno powroznik voice top 10 things i did in 2024
girll i aint fuck no. i never fuck. want never fuck
girrll nuy uhh nods finger you aint shir bittrchh ahahahaaa im depresd also penis fetish
Dragonlord2328 said:
Its because of a law thats come up which blocks adult content without id verification, ph is also blocked over there, there was a similar thing which was going to happen here in the u.k but it got dropped after experts proved how pointless it really, is at least vpns exist.
Forgot about VPN’s…
Its because of a law thats come up which blocks adult content without id verification, ph is also blocked over there, there was a similar thing which was going to happen here in the u.k but it got dropped after experts proved how pointless it really, is at least vpns exist.
Happy new year everyone
LividPringles said:
I tried viewing the news at the top of the page, but absent mindedly clicked dismiss without reading it first, what did it say?
something about the site being banned in north carolina temporarily
I tried viewing the news at the top of the page, but absent mindedly clicked dismiss without reading it first, what did it say?
453533I2242522992573 said:
@wickedFauna: artificial intelligence can't replicate my retardedness
my autism be like this some days fr
Happy new year! Seems we'll never gonna run out of problems. Heck, we've got reserves!
453533I2242522992573 said:
@Daleport996: bro what if i throw you at a wall and you were all bouncy an' shizz and you hit me in the head giving me a concussion
Grab a paddle and parry. Now, you're basically playing ping-pong against the wall.
its been fun.
yall got any of them vpns?
I wish everyone a happy new year when it comes! I hope the new year brings everyone one step closer to achieving their dreams! ^_^
somethingedgey said:
Hey, whats up with the north carolina news?
Is e6 getting in legal trouble?
Not just e6, Pornhub is preemptively blocking NC now too on account of lawmakers not realizing the complexities of use age verification in a digital space.
Verbatim, "One of the world's largest pornography websites blocked access to at least some North Carolina users Thursday ahead of a new state law taking effect that will require adult websites to verify user ages."
Hey, whats up with the north carolina news?
Is e6 getting in legal trouble?
Daleport996 said:
This was at the bottom of the page, and re-reading this made me happy. :3Thank you.
No problem :3
W0LFB3AT5 said:
2023 went by quick this year.Or maybe that’s just me…
The older you get,
the faster they seem to go
you old now
happy fucking new year :3
2023 went by quick this year.
Or maybe that’s just me…
@Daleport996: bro what if i throw you at a wall and you were all bouncy an' shizz and you hit me in the head giving me a concussion
I bought the furry favorite hit video game "Changed", so I can say "I have changed since 2023."
453533I2242522992573 said:
holy SHIT i want to steal something out of someones house so bad i want to wreck someones shit i want to FUCKING throw things at a wall holy FUCK
You can steal my old 2023 mindset, because I don't need it going forward. You can also just throw me at a wall. I like being thrown.
453533I2242522992573 said:
holy SHIT i want to steal something out of someones house so bad i want to wreck someones shit i want to FUCKING throw things at a wall holy FUCK
You should try thief simulator that should curb the urges even moreso in vr
holy SHIT i want to steal something out of someones house so bad i want to wreck someones shit i want to FUCKING throw things at a wall holy FUCK
Daleport996 said:
Being on college break sucks. I am no longer under the repeating pressure of having to turn in an assignment I systematically procrastinated on. All I do is draw porn, watch YouTube, and play Garry's Mod.
Recurring. That's the word I was looking for. Not repeating.
Xch3l said:
I have come to bring the yearly cat report:meow
Thank you for your attention.
Now that's what I'm talking 'bout
I have come to bring the yearly cat report:
Thank you for your attention.
@Daleport996: baguette
453533I2242522992573 said:
Fr When She Asks Me To Assume The Position And I Get Skankly
Why would France do that to you?
whenever i make a horrible concotion of sounds i always make sure to add a horrible ear piercing ultrasonic sound to please my listeners and to murder rats 🥰
Fr When She Asks Me To Assume The Position And I Get Skankly
Aaayyyyyy! Another Cyber Wolfy moment. :D
How do you flag a post for not being relevant to the site?
Siral_Exan said:
it's a result of topic #41659, quite literally titled "The Great Cub Apocalypse". the TL;DR is that the cub tag's going the way of the dodo, so users participating have to fill in it's void with young_anthro, young_feral, and et cetera that all used to be lumped together into cub. this set's to help archive the tag so that when the alias gets approved, we can still chip away at it instead of scouring through young to add the aforementioned tags to their respective posts.
Ahh ok, that makes sense
LividPringles said:
Wait what the fuck
I just now saw the set you were referring to
Why is there a set that was only created hours ago with over 100,000 posts?
it's a result of topic #41659, quite literally titled "The Great Cub Apocalypse". the TL;DR is that the cub tag's going the way of the dodo, so users participating have to fill in it's void with young_anthro, young_feral, and et cetera that all used to be lumped together into cub. this set's to help archive the tag so that when the alias gets approved, we can still chip away at it instead of scouring through young to add the aforementioned tags to their respective posts.
SNPtheCat said:
The cubpocalypse apparently
Wait what the fuck
I just now saw the set you were referring to
Why is there a set that was only created hours ago with over 100,000 posts?
Dripen_Arn said:
@michaelwave1997: and Diddy Kong, he's visited a couple times outta curiosity but didn't quite stick with himkeep the "what the fuck" tier for characters you'd think would actively despise the site and reserve the nah tier for a more passive dissinterest
ohhhh good call
somethingedgey said:
I hate you.
This was at the bottom of the page, and re-reading this made me happy. :3
Thank you.
Being on college break sucks. I am no longer under the repeating pressure of having to turn in an assignment I systematically procrastinated on. All I do is draw porn, watch YouTube, and play Garry's Mod.
I gotta break the cycle. Maybe I'll loiter around the town market. Or combine spicy food with ice cream. Or ask random strangers on the internet to rp with me. Or go back to playing Minecraft. Or ask my crush out (he's straight, but you won't know until you try).
LividPringles said:
What allows you to have a set with over 10,000 posts, aside from being privileged? Cuz i seen people with 0ver 10,000 posts on their sets that don't seem to have anything special about their profile
The cubpocalypse apparently
There are still a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and surprisingly, I don't have a holiday here Fortunately, I took a leave of absence from school and played haha every day. I haven't done anything this year, qwq
I feel happier when i forget i have a family, and most members of my family are still alive. But i’m home-depot, not an edgelord. Back to work
LividPringles said:
What allows you to have a set with over 10,000 posts, aside from being privileged? Cuz i seen people with 0ver 10,000 posts on their sets that don't seem to have anything special about their profile
As far as I know any set with over 10,000 posts comes from many years ago, before the limit was put in place. Even privileged users now have the 10k limit.
wickedFauna said:
there are days like that, just remember it will be ok
Thank you