jill and kurt created by black-kitten
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  • Honestly if one sperm makes it through amazon shipping, a tsunami of fake lube, and the normal trip to the womb, it deserves to be born.

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  • purpledragon2020 said:
    It only takes two heroic sperm to survive and fertilize...

    Yeah...if the sperm cells are inside the woman, they can survive for up to a week. But outside of that, they die off rather quickly (in as little as 5 minutes if exposed to open air).

    Yes, this is a porn comic logic where quite literally anything the artist wants can happen. But in reality, after being shot into a bottle of lube, packaged and mailed for an undeclared amout of time and average temperatures, by the time the cells would actually enter the vaginal tract, they would already be dead.

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  • ifancyataco said:
    if they do then that confirms that furries have immortal cum

    Well as long as the sperm cells remain in the in the ejeculatory fluid they should have enough proteins to survive up to 4-5, with level of ph acidity of the vagina and immune defenses, I’m almost positive sperm are more likely to survive longer with Amazon shipping.

    To be honest the journey of a sperm cell trough the cervix into the uterus and into the fallopian tubes could be lord of the rings book worthy…


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  • sahara2 said:
    with level of ph acidity of the vagina and immune defenses, I’m almost positive sperm are more likely to survive longer with Amazon shipping

    And this is why we need more sex ed. Cervical fluid nourishes the sperm and keeps it alive whereas drying will kill sperm within minutes. Please, don't trust porn logic.

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