Wow. Not even surprised anymore.
Wow. Not even surprised anymore.
is hold
I like hard cider, Strongbow artesinal belend. It has like apple pulp in it, it's pretty good.
Also the effects of absinthe is greatly exaggerated, either that or I didn't drink enough.
@Kemonophonic: @CCoyote: @vex714:
Well I only drink rum, scotch, gin, etc. on rare occasions. ‘Specially “special” occasions that I’ve mentioned previously.
Mostly when I visit a bar or when out on a restaurant, I drink beer. Mostly Corona. :p
*Literally no one*
*Not a soul*
MK11 commercial: You better check yo' self before you wreck yo' self!
@Kemonophonic: oh gosh that one my favorite sparkling wine ,
I don’t About the fancy ones too
Absinthe is good and I love the distinct taste. But if you want a wild ride you have to get the real thing with wormwood extract which isnt sold in the US. Thats the kind that makes you trip.
@Kemonophonic: been hunting a good place where they sell Guinness on tap. Now that you mention Japanese whiskeys, I'm kinda looking to try it myself now.
Been wanting to try absinthe. I have a spoon for it too. My uncle moves boxes of wine for wine tasting contests, so he gets all kinds of wines for me to try. I rarely drink wine. I drink Cointreau, Patrón Silver, and maybe a Mikes Hard Lemomade.
@Samael_Morningstar: G' morning.
Well I only drink wine...
@Samael_Morningstar: I’ve never tried Absinthe. Though I heard that not only does it contain an extreme high levels of alcohol (75% to be exact) it burns your innards when consumed and causes trippy hallucinations...
@Kemonophonic: @W0LFB3AT5:
-Burnett's Blue Raspberry Vodka,
-Burnett's Whipped Cream Vodka,
-Silver Rum,
-Jack Daniel's Whiskey,
-Angry Orchard beer, and
-Arbor Mist Moscato.
I’ll take a picture and send it to you if you find it bull-... :v
@Kemonophonic: (2/2)
-Red Label Scotch whiskey
-Jim Beam Devils Cut Bourbon whiskey
-Crown Royal Canadian whiskey
-Captain Morgan original Spice Rum
-Jameson Irish whiskey
-and finally Grey Goose Vodka.
Yes...I love to drink! Sue me! :9
@Kemonophonic: (1/2)
I got:
-Horchata Con Ron (Caribbean Rum)
-Kahlúa Rum
-Peligroso tequila (my favorite mix)
-Malibu Black Rum
-Brandy Presidente
-Bacardí Gold Rum
-Jose Cuervo tequila
-1800 Silver tequila
-Bombay Saphire Gin
@CandleJake: May I point out?, this man before leaving, have -1 favorite on the site. that, make me sad, and smile both in the same time
@Kemonophonic: Bruh, I have my own bar in my man cave. :9
@sevi_blaze: moved to
@Frost_the_dragon: Happy Meal lol
I have coupons.
@Frost_the_dragon: Oreo McFlurry, if the ice cream machine ain't broke.
@TheAmericanDragon: yeah it'd be something. I've had that Sweet Earth burrito from the store when it was on sale and I was like, wait this has tofu? Never had tofu before. I thought the tofu was meat. Guess it is possible to have meat alternatives.
@vex714: European Vegan Burger , I always want that to come
@TheAmericanDragon: limited stuff. Some people want the falafel wrap or the European vegan burger.
Make it even stranger with the squid ink burger, chocolate fries, and the Hyuganatsu Cheesecake McFlurry. No bull, these are real.
McDonald’s bringing the these worldwide menus here in US
Never tried these, but I’m interested
@Samael_Morningstar: Samael Eveningstar
I was able to post some pixiv stuff on the condition no one makes weird or creepy comments. The artists really cherishes their characters. So there's that expectation, otherwise they'd submit a takedown which would be a shame for other users.
It would fly on R34 or pornhub. But that's exactly what they are, exclusive pr0n sites. Then there's sites where people can write about their fantasy like
@foxxiboi: rules still apply across the board, for users, chacter owners, artists, etc. keeping the site useable for everyone instead of just those coming here for porn.
If this was pornsite then rule wouldn't make sense, but this isn't pornsite.
@Lord_Diabolus: no. the most we do is hide comments and only if they're, say, linking to illegal content, piracy, or malware. something actually worth hiding.
@foxxiboi: great but they are so get used to it.
@CCoyote: nevermind, don't contact me, as i'm not interested in you going off on me. Tried to tell you that in mail but I reached my hour limit.
dude, creepy comments are bannable offenses, end of story. stop trying to say otherwise. there is no debate about this, as the rule creators made it on their site.
Mairo said:
I mean, I think openly fantasizing about a fictional character is a Little different than harassing a real person.
@foxxiboi: I mean, people have the same power on facebook, but somehow I'm getting police called to my door when I comment on peoples selfies about how I want to fuck them so badly that I'm already cumming in my pants uwu
@Samael_Morningstar: Samael Afternoonstar
Finally paid off my car! Got my certificate and everything. :v
Time for a celebratory drink... :p
So by that logic I can say something blatantly offensive and not be punished by the site owners for it? Rules are rules.
FYI, in the comment that got him taken out back and shot, he was talking about teens making massive shits. Kinda disturbing, IMO.
@foxxiboi: eh, creepy comments can be weird sometimes. Personally I don't get offended anymore, thanks internet.
Comments can get out of hand.
No way the policy will change.
Mairo said:
They have eyelids, right? They can just not look.
@foxxiboi: your opinion is not the same as what the rules are
Rules have to apply to everyone and we have both users and artists who feel uncomfortable with hearing how you came to something. Also we are archive, think of saying those comments in museum
CaveStory said:
They don't remove comments from what I've seen. I agree with Ratte as well, e621 has rules and they must be followed.
I just don't think creepy comments should be against the rules.
French Fried said:
@average-pack-a-punch: burgerham
Lord Diabolus said:
If a comment violates the site rules, shouldn't it be removed?
They don't remove comments from what I've seen. I agree with Ratte as well, e621 has rules and they must be followed.
Ratte said:
@foxxiboi: imagine a website with rules
If a comment violates the site rules, shouldn't it be removed?
My weekend anime watch list:
Doomed Megalopolis, ep. 1 and 2
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Megazone-23 ep.1 only
Green Legend Ran
-if time then maybe this one ova about a dragon egg that was saved. A dragon that talks! Kinda hard to find.
@Pink_Hat: uuuuuh, nothing… just was wondering, cuz wanted to draw the OC
n-now i feel awkward >w<
Good afternoon. I'm home so I'll be here.
@French_Fried: Carne Asada Fries
@average-pack-a-punch: side of French Fried
French Fried said:
@average-pack-a-punch: burgerham
French Fried said:
@average-pack-a-punch: burgerham
Pepsi juice
@average-pack-a-punch: burgerham
French Fried said:
@average-pack-a-punch: hamhamham
H a m b u r g e r
@average-pack-a-punch: hamhamham
vex714 said:
@average-pack-a-punch: watcha cookin? Bagel Bites?
Parents Share Most Absurd Things Found on Kids Social Media/Search History
"Missed the bangbus."
@foxxiboi: imagine a website with rules
@foxxiboi: tip: you can blacklist users if you find them offensive or annoying. That's not to say they won't just make another account and bypass your Jack Blacklist.
neo4812 said:
@CandleJake: you will be missed friend, you didn't deserve this
~But I guess that's just my extreme anti-censorship libertarian ass speaking.
neo4812 said:
@CandleJake: you will be missed friend, you didn't deserve this
Agreed, I genuinely don't understand why being "CrEePy" is a banworthy offense, like, if a comment creeps you out just don't read it~
@Samael_Morningstar: Morning, pal
@vex714: If I could upvote blips...
@W0LFB3AT5: Find time to exercise?
9 to 5 job
Take care of family
Take care of bills
Take care of cleaning
Take care of personal hygiene
Take care of wait, when can I relax?
Eating? Ain't nobody goat time for that!
[exhausted]Gotta go fast food!
@CandleJake: I'll miss you, your comments always amused me.
Ads: “Hi my name is [name here] and you’re probably wondering how a buff guy like me is eating all this junk food and still maintains this sexy figure? Just follow my 10 step program on how to lose weight by just eating!”
Me: “...This mothaf-”
@neo4812: He died for giving me the ocassional lulz. I see a comment and I'm like:
Cleveland Brown: aw that's just nasty.
Also, neo4812, your record!