You may refer to me as Mr. Sir, and Mr. Sir only
You may refer to me as Mr. Sir, and Mr. Sir only
@vex714: actually I have two, top and bottom and opposite sides, so I have an octoling thing going on.
Either way, worth it.
@Doomguy666: Got the Moe fang going on eh?
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: Wait, there's a tag limit? How has this escaped my knowledge? :P
@Doomguy666: my point is I guess is that chomping down on my lip isn't a occasional thing, ever since it grew in that's just my life now.
@W0LFB3AT5: I have a canine tooth that grew in weird, kinda like midnas fang.
If I'm not careful I accidentally bite my lip really hard with that pointy bitch, I hate when that happens.
@W0LFB3AT5: I mean... at least you have a cool new avatar
I let hunger get to me...
I chewed so fast I’ve bitten my tongue so hard that not only am I bleeding so much, but I’ve completely and temporarily lost feeling to it. XP
Fuck me... :(
Starting - 2019-04-11T22:31:44.129Z
To 1841381 (53) adding [hi_res absurd_res] and removing []
To 1841368 (53) adding [hi_res absurd_res] and removing []
{"success":false,"reason":"You have reached your hourly tag edit limit"}
Chaser said:
thanks for approving my new user name
@BerriesAndCoffee: hi there! I like your stuff! It’s all so cute!
Yeah, sex is cool
But have you ever
Followed an artist for a few years and watch their art style improve and feel really proud of them? :)
@Chaser: *silence*
sweetnessings said:
@horse_balls_cocktail: Very nice favorites! Love them horsecocks~
Es como una caja de regalos, siempre es lindo entrar y conseguir hermosas sorpresas! ❤ x3
@Chaser: I’m inclined to agree
cool stuff
@Grodrigues: Thanks for the fav my guy :3
@French_Fried: my friends are sometimes busy, but now I see my cat feeling lil better, (don’t know)
If anyone wants a good chuckle and likes Hitman, check out Hitman: The Hitting series by Seibmoz. The script is read and played out like it's written. My favorite was chapter 10.
@Austin-369-downfall: Post a link to the image in the forum for image source requests.
@Austin-369-downfall: If it's furry centric and in good quality, I don't see why not.
friend found an image today, we have used every search engine and image finder out there and cant find anything on or about it
could totally use some help for it tbh, and was i upload it here?..
@That1CatGuy: :0
Lafcadio said:
yep, that must be it
@K1LLER_DUDE91: ???????
@HavocDahGayHorse: I literally told you why in reply to a comment you left complaining why your blacklist didn't work.
@HavocDahGayHorse: I dont like when someone adds tags for me, aka e621 admins...cause i know i didnt add them, also what kind of place adds the blacklist tags without you knowing, i didnt receive any notice or message so im just curious as to why?
Obscenity said:
"tori" is the closest approximation that Japanese has to "tri".
If that's not the problem, then you'll have to explain because I clearly don't get it.
Anyone have a theory why the character, as shown in post #1220606 , is named here differently than in the anime he's from?
Boy, I sure do love it sure do love it when things slip past my blacklist.
@TheAmericanDragon: shit, dude that's tough. Got any friends you can reach out to? Maybe file for unemployment?
@French_Fried: No, my family ’never’ support me, they always say to me: “You’re on you own” type :/
I’m glad I don’t need them , I always respect people who are very helpful person I can trust...
@TheAmericanDragon: well, you have all of us behind you. You don’t have any family who can support you financially?
The next episode though.
"The internet made me do it." - Kyle 2019
Speed of Sound Saitama | Because Science Footnotes
Those neck teeth are useless. =~.~=
I’m probably gonna be AFK on this site for a while
@French_Fried: Especially no one :( , only me
@vex714: Midnight City is good stuff, my dude. You have good taste.
@TheAmericanDragon: Shit, that’s tough, bro. You have anyone who can support you?
did LOADS of domestic dog tag organization... pretty exhausting to organize dog breed tags lmao
@vex714: well can be useful...
got a chance to dm?
@TheAmericanDragon: Sorry to hear that. Is what your cat got serious?
You could always do lawn mowing or something on the side. Maybe work a ticket booth at a movie theater like my mom did once upon a time.
Man I really hate karma much, my cat probably dying of bile , I’m still unemployed without money :/
@French_Fried: Got stumped. That's a tough one. I like a lot of select songs from various genres. Mostly anime and vidya.
I would have to go with Chain Gang of 1974 - Sleepwalking
close seconds were M83 'Midnight City' and Kiri by Monoral
@vex714: count me in
Currently listening to somshiz:
Just chillin'
@vex714: $20 and the name to your favorite song and you’re on
Samael Morningstar said:
post #1840484
lululu awesome :D
Samael Morningstar said:
@Peekaboo: WOW. It really does look like that.
post #1840484
@French_Fried: best I can do...$20
And maybe a petty soul gem.
@Peekaboo: Looks like the ass of a Braixen from that zonkpunch video
@vex714: double or nothing
@French_Fried: 15 bucks says you will. Just make sure it's not a toxic or abusive relationship.
They say you got a 1 in 562 chance of finding love on any given day
Cactus said:
we gonna see the first image of a black hole soon
probably gonna look like a fox anus
@Peekaboo: WOW. It really does look like that.
@Ratte: ded
Incredible footage of the black hole that was all over the news today:
@Shane_Dawson: ~Busted~
@Ratte: :pett:
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Two minutes and twenty-two seconds completed on my song.Three-quarters finished... *whew*
Can't wait.
Two minutes and twenty-two seconds completed on my song.
Three-quarters finished... *whew*
@French_Fried: pure unadulterated rage
@Samael_Morningstar: if only
"French Fried"said:
@aSleepyGuy: the last person to anger Ratte was never seen again. Legend has it they are sacrificed to NotMeNotYou as a peace offering
...And that's the story of what really happened to Kristal_Candeo
@Blue_Charizard15: hello ^^
@aSleepyGuy: the last person to anger Ratte was never seen again. Legend has it they are sacrificed to NotMeNotYou as a peace offering
Doctors Share 𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐁𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 Cases Of Patients Faking It
"The large needle which goes in the eyeball, right?"
French Fried said:
SHH! Careful, you might make Ratte angery