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I let hunger get to me...

I chewed so fast I’ve bitten my tongue so hard that not only am I bleeding so much, but I’ve completely and temporarily lost feeling to it. XP

Fuck me... :(

Starting - 2019-04-11T22:31:44.129Z
To 1841381 (53) adding [hi_res absurd_res] and removing []
To 1841368 (53) adding [hi_res absurd_res] and removing []
{"success":false,"reason":"You have reached your hourly tag edit limit"}

If anyone wants a good chuckle and likes Hitman, check out Hitman: The Hitting series by Seibmoz. The script is read and played out like it's written. My favorite was chapter 10.

friend found an image today, we have used every search engine and image finder out there and cant find anything on or about it

could totally use some help for it tbh, and was i upload it here?..

@HavocDahGayHorse: I dont like when someone adds tags for me, aka e621 admins...cause i know i didnt add them, also what kind of place adds the blacklist tags without you knowing, i didnt receive any notice or message so im just curious as to why?

In response to blip #91683

@French_Fried: Got stumped. That's a tough one. I like a lot of select songs from various genres. Mostly anime and vidya.

I would have to go with Chain Gang of 1974 - Sleepwalking

close seconds were M83 'Midnight City' and Kiri by Monoral

In response to blip #91665

"French Fried"said:
@aSleepyGuy: the last person to anger Ratte was never seen again. Legend has it they are sacrificed to NotMeNotYou as a peace offering

...And that's the story of what really happened to Kristal_Candeo