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In response to blip #92166

@Ratte: Unfortunately the problem is that you, as you state it yourself, behave like a mirror. That means if the majority of people on this site behave like assholes, you will be known as mostly an asshole, even if you are just doing your job responsibly.

@Cashier: Not bad at all. I'd definatley get someone to spell check your writing for grammar and spelling mistakes, but a good chunk of it is really well made.

@Smushpretzel: hey man, when you tag, only tag what you see, so you can’t tag birth on every single page of a comic, only the ones with actual birth in em, also female_lucario can be separated

In response to blip #92346

@vex714: the guy topped off every thing before I bought it, and I don't see a leak, thermostat seems fine, and I replaced the blower motor and resistor.
I just didn't bother to have it looked at because I thought it was spring time.

In response to blip #92344

@Doomguy666: I was going to suggest putting a towel on the windshield, but that's really to prevent frost.

Your car: low antifreeze/water level in the radiator due to a leak in the cooling system. A bad thermostat. A blower fan that isn't working.

In response to blip #92342

@IguanasAreCool: Iguana, you're drunk.

@Doomguy666: Do you got a plug-in heater? I got like this old mini heater, a little bigger than a GameCube. I call it "the tiny bastard" because it's small, heats up a room really quick and it just won't give out.

@Drflash55: Hehe, i'll have to keep that in mind! Just from a quick look-through I can already tell we have a lot in common~ ;3c

In response to blip #92311


Whatch'y'all hollerin' about? We speak American in America. No, we ain't don't speak no Canadian either.

Pardon my profane ignorance. All I say is fellatious fallacies, but I can't abide folks not speakin' ma languege.

@Berylium: If you see something on their twitter you like, I'd recommend checking their newgrounds or FA for the image to see if it holds a better version

In response to blip #92292

@W0LFB3AT5: That was kind of her to teach you. Knowing another language is advantageous, especially in the workforce. You may be given a bilingual stipend.

I learned in elementary school through high school. However, the school is all English now.

In response to blip #92288

@W0LFB3AT5: CCoyote decia que JEHN deberia hablar en inglés porque la idioma de inglés es la primario idioma de e621.

My Spanish is rusty because I don't practice. I understand every word, but not speak to well. Luckily, I grew up listening to it.