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Who is actually, legitimately responsible for this ongoing trend of artists purposefully putting "chromatic aberration" onto their art?

Do they really not realize that chromatic aberration is a error in image acquisition, as in a artefact?

Oh heavens those hogue grips are wonderful.
They're contoured and a little wider so I get a better grip and they're soft so it pads the recoil.

In response to blip #101816

Speaking of Vectorman 2's Ron's test level.

Final: Vectorman is in tank form.

Prototypes: Vectorman starts as his first level chopter pack form, once he lands, he reverts back to his standard form. This is better suited to this test level.

@vun0: man when i joined this website 3 years ago i never realized how much fun i would have uploading porn wow

I'm gonna go back to being radio silent. Too many people who slip by being rude as fuck without any penalties.

So I've been getting 500 errors from the API for the last few days. Not sure if it's a problem on my end or what.

Oh hey, after using generous amounts of lube and shoving as hard as I could I got the hogue grips on my shield. Feels pretty good, can't wait to try it .

How quickly can you beat a topic before you kill it? Asking on behalf of people who add their two cents to an argument when it wasn't asked for

@AAAAAH: hey since you're like paws so much check my setup I've been pumping it full of pawpads everyday for 2 year now. I will make the claim that it has the best quantity and quality on this website
set #8722

@Axell88: hola! Hahaha si! Aquí muy pocas personas hablan español, gracias por notarlo! Genial! Pienso que los caballos son unas bestias hermosas y su existencia es como un gran premio para nosotros, el arte nunca morirá! ❤

@horse_balls_cocktail: Hey eres una de las pocas personas que veo hablan español aquí... Hola xd Bueno, comparto tu gusto por los caballos y pollas (aunque soy un poco mas de yeguas y pussys(? uwu) y tu punto de vista del arte me parece sublime y genial