In response to blip #101667
Millcore said:
I know this is normally furball's job but I like these, I hope others do too
post #2074091 post #2074400 post #2074636
Yes. =^-^=
Millcore said:
I know this is normally furball's job but I like these, I hope others do too
post #2074091 post #2074400 post #2074636
Yes. =^-^=
I know this is normally furball's job but I like these, I hope others do too
post #2074091 post #2074400 post #2074636
Versperus said:
@Lafcadio: Grats on the Green!
Aha! Vectorman, Vectorman 2, and Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition has the same 8 x 8 font.
BlueSky Software games.
The numbers are used, but don't remember the letters being used.
@Denix: I heard you like to live though :)
IchlamoGeneralHukari said:
@Denix: this person wants to alive
@Denix: this person wants to alive
@RetroPixelLizard: this persn doesnt like gta sandeanras pls bauen thnx
Microsoft Officially Reveals More Features And Specs Of The Xbox Series X
I like the design of it. Just not the name they went with.
@Lafcadio: Grats on the Green!
@Millcore: I don't know what you're talking about
edit: KEK good job
@Versperus Don't say a word about those errors.
Versperus said:
Than leave.
P enis said:
@P_enis: what a shitsite this is lol
Than leave.
@Cactus: melons don't think.
Mulcens Instrumentum said:
I mention of you could cause it with them.
they dont think it be like it is but it do
Just a hunch, but I think something might've gone wrong with my game. Either that or I'm ascending to a higher level of being after entering the infinite abyss
I mention of you could cause it with them.
@P_enis: what a shitsite this is lol
P enis said:
F u c k o f f
We can say whatever the hell we want, @mods yall can't stop us 😎
CaveStory said:
Please don't. Just please. If everyone else has to keep it in their pants, you need to do the same
F u c k o f f
Toshiko Natsume said:
@Toshiko_Natsume: something about pounding a pokemon oven
Please don't. Just please. If everyone else has to keep it in their pants, you need to do the same
@poo_poo_pee_pee_man: Oh praise the lord I blacklisted bestiality.
ippiki ookami said:
Why are trolls these days so boring?
No I actually need help I have blacklisted all the things I hate.
Versperus said:
@yeoldenut: grats on the green kek
Thank you @Versperus! It was a great surprise to log in to!
@amphary: Well hi, i Love femboys and futanari, the dicks and butts.
And others too but the femboy and futa is my favorite porn.
vex714 said:
@furballs_dc: Waaifu is best waifu. <3
Yes, nya~ <3
@furballs_dc: Waaifu is best waifu. <3
Sweet Mercy!
Is it even worth posting my art here and before you say it i'm trying and its on newgrounds
@Kemonophonic: Nice
post #2077541 and post #2077545 need to be flagged as inferior if someone wants some free flags
somebody had gotten to uploading the rest of Human and Nonhuman, but I only noticed after I'd already hit my hourly note limit
feels badman
Umbrawing said:
Don't know where else to say this, but the "shota" tag is a little glitchy now. Sends me to most recent posts, I think.
cloudflare censorship, see forum #277712
Don't know where else to say this, but the "shota" tag is a little glitchy now. Sends me to most recent posts, I think.
@Odisaodi: ha ha. cutey.
If it's a fridge, at least a part of it won't overheat, right?
@yeoldenut: grats on the green kek
@furballs_dc: Saw it, don't know if you can lay the console on the side. Like where would people place or store it? Is basically a half computer tower at this point.
Or a fridge.
The Next Gen Xbox Has Been Officially Revealed. The Xbox Series X
And we though the Xbox One name was bad...
@Oberschutze: Oho nice, congratulations!
Love your uploads.
@Doomguy666: Nice, I like that there is Carbon fiber parts making things lightweight on rifles. Long as it is good quality and at a fair price, I'd say it's definitely worth it. Don't know what a part like that would cost. I get prices from $25 to $150.
@Oberschutze: grats on the green!
@vex714: I got a cheap bipod now, but I practice both. I like off hand it feels more practical and I might not always have time to set up.
I've been eyeing carbon fiber bipods and I plan to get one soon.
@Doomguy666: Also, do you target shoot prone and with a bipod? Or do you prefer more off-hand shooting? Don't know how heavy the bipod is
@Doomguy666: I suppose it depends if you want to use it when and if you want to remove the scope.
I looked into it a little. The base rifle is 7.7 lbs. So if the addon it's not too cumbersome, I'd say go for it just for fun.
@vex714: I don't know if it's worth the extra weight though. An offset sight is for a back up to the magnified sight in case of failure or close range targets.
Doesn't seem necessary for a manual action air rifle but it might be fun to play with.
@vex714: it's a bullpup rifle so the stock is in line with the rail, if it's mounted too low I have to cant my head sideways so I got tall scope rings.
Offset would mean it sticks out from the side of the rifle.
@Doomguy666: Like move the open sight on the rifle? I mean, if it gets in the way of the sight of the scope then I'd say go for it. Because from what I see, Bulldog scopes seem mounted really low.
Although I can't decide if I want to offset the open sight once I mount a scope. Would that be too much? It might not even make sense on that particular rifle.
awesome see all open sights is having a sale for like half off and I snagged the mk 2 rifle sight for cheap.
I've been dying to see how those work and it looks cool.
@KynikossDragonn: completely wrong! I haven't been on a beach in over a year and really want to get away from this place with snow everywhere! also I would like to make a sand cas....hey!
I took my medication and drank a liter of energy drink, and now I'm organizing shit like I was possessed by ghost of a cleaning obsessed soccer mom.
Sweet Mercy indeed! <3
@Bunghole: blips are public messages on the site. Also, I'm denying the other blip you made on their behalf :)
Now THIS, Is The WORST Call of Duty Microtransaction EVER!
It WILL get even worse down the line.
@General_Sif: idk if you will see this but are you okay? you left the server randomly and no one can get a hold of you. if you can please dm me on discord
@Odisaodi: You just want to make sand castles like a cutey would.
@Kodanis: Yes please, give sand and sun.
@Millcore: I'm more betting Netscape Navigator.