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Blacklisted is down. As per usual it was me. While it’s down I’ve decided it’s a good idea to unplug some servers and wash them. A little soap and hot water later never hurt anything~


@Odisaodi: odisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodi

Fun fact

some of my posts with sound have 2 audio tracks, the default w/ music+sfx and another w/ only sfx.

You'll need to download the file and use a player like vlc to access the second track.

have fun 😉

70 users have access to have thumbnails don't seem to be modified so the tag lol_comments is carrying about dumb when people asked me to.

In response to blip #100988

@NotMeNotYou: ohnono you misunderstand me. I would never sink to purposeful baiting or any similar troublesome behavior! D: I was only trying to have some fun but if that counts as trolling to you then fine I will keep that in mind for later <3