Can’t believe John Frusciante is rejoining RHCP
Can’t believe John Frusciante is rejoining RHCP
Umbrelievable said:
Just wanted to let everyone knww I'm alive.
Glad you're back!
@TheHuskyK9: you're silly...
@Umbrelievable: Hi, Alive. I'm Husk
HavelTheRockHard said:
Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land
That you understand
Ocean man, the voyage to the center of the globe is a real trip
I like ass. And deer.
Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land
@Grodrigues: Thank you very much for the faves!
Kodanis said:
@dracotay: Just passed 40,000 comments
Achievement earned: Word wyrm.
Brushie brushie. :3
Oof my new pistol grips are tight.
I'm going to need to warm it up, use lots of lube, and gently work it in without tearing anything.
Not even joking those are the instructions.
wow, you get this:
KynikossDragonn said:
@Songbird: sing me a pretty bird song.
Here you go:
Just wanted to let everyone knww I'm alive.
@Songbird: sing me a pretty bird song.
@HerManiac: Pro tip: people are allowed to comment any post they want regardless of how old it is. Necroing ancient forum threads for no reason, or restarting old drama is a different thing though. But just commenting on old posts is perfectly fine.
pro tip:
if the post is over a month old, sometimes comment.
if the post is a year old, most likely don't comment.
if the post is 3 years old and basicaly a relik at this point, no. don't.
Love the whole "attack first explain later" stuff people tend to do when they make an online persona. /s
Mr. Robobobobobobo
@Ninosi: You post some good stuff. ʘ‿ʘ
@sm555: It's perfectly normal for approval to take up to week or two to go through. You do not have to worry about anything unless the post has gone nearly an month unapproved.
CCoyote said:
@sm555: Approvers limited, submissions endless. Art of uncertain quality may be auto-deleted after 30 days. Some admin...
Okay so it just takes a while. That suffices.
@sm555: They are in the approval queue. Approval takes time. Asking doesn't make them get approved faster.
I will wear this neutral as a badge of honor as I have made people angry
CCoyote said:
@sm555: Go run a quick search through blips and forums
I don't know how to do that; what does the answer concern?
CCoyote said:
I must have missed the joke? I thought I asked a valid question.
@Mairo: I don't know how else to contact you or if I need to; in either case, how much longer do I have to wait until my 11 uploads are approved?
vex714 said:
@But_Why_Master: believing the term being long lost in 2004 internet culture. I am surprised goatse is a tag.
Nobody forgets on the Internet.
@But_Why_Master: believing the term being long lost in 2004 internet culture. I am surprised goatse is a tag.
everybody gangsta till the goatse starts jar'in
@ShadowTurret533: siema rafal dawaj w minecrafta gramy
Pakattu suojakaasuun said:
a moment of silence for dirtyratmatt's upload limit
I've unexpectedly returned, after a short and positive exchange with the new admin. :)
Porch Pirate vs. Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0
Macaulay Culkin joins the fun. Sweet Mercy.
post #2085111
Level up!
The story takes place in a world of modern, civilized, anthropomorphic animals with a cultural divide between the carnivores and herbivores.
That sure sounds "furry" to me.
Star Wars LEGO HISHE - Chirrut vs. Everything
Indeed. =^.^=
@Coolcat4010: OwO
all them clowns saying beastars is "furry" need to shut that shit up FR
CCoyote said:
@Shinemon311: Holy HattonSlayden tsunami in the pools. Good lord! O.O
I know, right?!
@Lafcadio: Congratulations, Lafcadio. It's about time. :D
@OnTheHekkinBrink: Put the poem on twitter or something though.
Millcore said:
@OnTheHekkinBrink: That last line on the poem.
Oh, I wholly agree. Didn't mean it to be so sexual, but I was tired and really wanted to force out a limerick, so it didn't even cross my mind. Legit thx
@OnTheHekkinBrink: That last line on the poem.
@Millcore: And it was this day that I read the code of conduct, instead of just assuming that I'm not stupid enough to violate it. Thanks for prompting me to do that, because I realize now that 3 a.m. comments can be poorly worded and misinterpreted.
@Bluke: hit the quan
@GuavaStealer: XD
@datrussian: 🤔
Odisaodi said:
KynikossDragonn said:
ur both racist
Sonic Generations - Eggman never wins
Now with flashbacks. :3
@dracotay: Just passed 40,000 comments
Achievement earned: Word wyrm.
The combination lock. :V
Kemonophonic said:
New avatar! <3
Meow! <3
Doomguy666 said:
Exactly my thoughts
@Odisaodi: copycat cutey.
AoBird said:
Shit, that was a mini heart attack, don't scare me like that e6.
That green field "you have mail" is scary as fuck.
Yep now you know how i feel whenever I get the you have mail
Shit, that was a mini heart attack, don't scare me like that e6.
That green field "you have mail" is scary as fuck.
[Minecraft] Super Mario Bros World 1-1 recreation
Downloads for the editor and Level 1-1.
Can You Remake Super Mario Bros Entirely in Minecraft?
Very nice indeed. :3
BWAHHH!? A Rabbids Movie Is Coming, Says Ubisoft!
Sweet Mercy! :V
KynikossDragonn said:
@Odisaodi: oh look a cutey.hi cutey.
ur is both an gay
@Odisaodi: oh look a cutey.
hi cutey.
Denix said:
no, bedd
No, badd
@KynikossDragonn: It's real chocolate hours
@TheHuskyK9: you are the hot chocolate.
Give me the hot chocolate with the big fat marshmallow
Odisaodi said:
@Denix: I heard you like to live though :)
no, bedd
@ThiccSylveon: He has amazing tastes and I love him to pieces.