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Don't want to touch MakyouToitsusen-Jun1994Proto in HxD again after this search is over. It's a nightmare, the data segments are all over the place. Sometimes have to search in 32 byte chunks or less.


@ImpidiDinkaDoo: Hello. i created an artist tag and wanted it linked to my account. The tag is Xonolus.

If you need any proof, please tell me what you need provided.

Thank you for your time.


@Cathode1255: African schools starving african children fortnite apex legends call of duty pubg 360 noscope mlg kush 42069 dorito mountain dew Air Jordan's Nike Calvin Klein Adidas Under Armour Reebok

post #1567269
When you find some art that would be goddamn fantastic, except the artist decided to shit all over their own work and slap on a horrible chromatic aberration filter.
I don't think there's anything that tweaks me quite like unnecessary CA.

In case anyone hasn't noticed, I've been watching Aggretsuko and on that note I really feel sorry for hyda.

I have no idea what this does Im guessing its just like a status update
I will use this to plug in my Youtube and Twitch channel which are both under the name zylenox yeet