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In response to blip #118723

Sharp_Coyote said:
I wonder who they hired to manually masturbate all of the Pua to make that product?

the green skunky-wuff-stripe is adorbable :3

Heh! Got a good chuckle from that question. And your guess is as good as anybody else’s… :v

also the crude drawing of me was intentional. If I wanted more detail, that could’ve taken longer to animate. :D

In response to blip #118717

DragonFox69 said:
I can imagine! Hahaha

Your animations always make me smile man, my favourite has got to be the one that shows what goes on inside your head while you work at your laptop. lol

Thanks so much! Haha!

That one you mentioned with my laptop with me and Husky was all rotoscoped. Took me a HELL of a lot longer to animate considering it was 12 frames per second. I had fun making it though.

I’m making an animation while my new song is on hold for now. It’s a bit that I found while working at Amazon so I figured why not put it in animation form? 😅

In response to blip #118688

W0LFB3AT5 said:
“Synth Metal”

I like that! Also very well done!

Thank you! ^_^

That was the best thing I could ad lib at the time. ^_^' It probably has an actual name for it, like some kind of sub genre of Instrumental Power Metal but I think I like Synth Metal better. lol

You might be wondering why I bitch about nobody showing up when I stream.

No, I don't actually care for getting views.

Rather, it's that I find it insanely disingenuous people would suggest I livestream again, and then those who say this never show up when I'm live.

That has been pissing me off to a extreme degree.

I was going to just keep streaming today/tonight but then I realized I was almost going for 17 hours now, and Freelancer apparently has a garbage collector problem when it runs for too long.

Hardly anybody showed up except for a few people I've never seen before, oh well I guess.

In response to blip #118657

Kemonophonic said:
@Lafcadio: I'm not staff, but I'm pretty sure tickets cannot be edited after being submitted. You"ll need to create a new ticket with a link to your old ticket.

I was looking to avoid submitting a second ticket for what's ultimately more of the same thing I already complained about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i went around 24h + like 2 hours primary but tabs were still open to hour 12 or so on the april fools joke.

i wish the counter didn't wrap around after 24 hours.

this is a sad day for gamers everywhere

In response to blip #118621

Skree said:
Ok, for fellas who are waitin' for 24h - the cake is a lie! Timer just starts over again.

I did too, I kept an open e6 tab on my phone to see how long I can reach since yesterday midnight (+0800 time zone for me), the counter just restarts to after 24 hours as you said.

"a video of a cute animal"

I mean- ...Not completely false.
3 hours. my sense of aesthetics is bruised. being focused on the images does help