christopher and nora created by zummeng
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  • This is just like my cat, a total bitch that lad. I come home after a hard day of work and he's loving all over me doing figure eights around my ankles. I give him some head scratches and he licks my hand a few times before all of a sudden, BITE. Yeah, you want more food, but you could be more subtle about it and just sit by your bowl and meowing. I still got a claw across my right forearm that's still visible as a skin shadow from last summer...

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  • azuredreams said:
    Oof well that might scar over....and hyena have crazy strong bite strength

    The scarring is the point, he stated earlier that his scars are all memories of what he has done. She wants him to have a permanent reminder of her.

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  • "...Also, I am a hyena, so get used to it."

    Hyenas are very nippy little creatures!

    This was absolutely brilliant and it makes perfect sense in the context of these two. Also, sharks and hyenas are two of the critters in the top twenty (if I remember right) of the strongest bite strength in the world...Pound for pound, hyenas have a much stronger bite for their size than almost anything else (although other, MUCH LARGER animals have bite strength over four times that of the hyena, IIR the crocodile comes in at nearly four and a half times the PSI but is more than four and a half times the size of a hyena).

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  • "I want you to remember matter what happens..."

    Oh, Nora, you need have no fear of him forgetting've been the most unforgettable experience of his life...

    And, it hurts so much because, for the first time in longer than you'd ever admit, she actually matters to you, and you're letting yourself actually FEEL it...


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  • laarye said:
    That is the point. She wants to be one of the many scars he has.

    She has literally "marked" him...

    So...who belongs to who, now...?

    And, BTW..."belonging" to someone, and being their "property"...NOT the same thing.


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  • That's definitely gonna leave a hard to miss and forget about mark.
    Actually, isn't this is Chris' second mark to remind him no matter what about Nora? The first one was when he got stabbed for 1 dmg at page 8, when he stood in her defense.

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  • Please, tell me I'm not the only one who found that to be kind of creepy? I can see the cute... but it also kind of raises some red flags for me...

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  • Beware getting into a biting contest with a shark.
    Beware getting into a biting contest with a hyena.

    Only entertainment can ensue.

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  • Nora, I doubt he and the rest of us would ever forget you.

    And well... now he can't forget about you. Cause damn woman you got a fine set of chompers there.

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  • I hope they don't go into a biting contest since hyena bites are 1,100 PSI, while Shark bites are 4000 PSI and he way bigger

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  • You know, I really hope Zummeng gets the chance one day to show off their talent to a wider audience. Obviously these comics they do are passion projects and they should keep doing them, but it would be nice to see such talent exhibited in places that aren't as secluded.

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  • mdf said:
    This is just like my cat, a total bitch that lad. I come home after a hard day of work and he's loving all over me doing figure eights around my ankles. I give him some head scratches and he licks my hand a few times before all of a sudden, BITE. Yeah, you want more food, but you could be more subtle about it and just sit by your bowl and meowing. I still got a claw across my right forearm that's still visible as a skin shadow from last summer...

    Ha, my cat did the same thing, came over, all cuddles, purring, wants chin scratches. Out of nowhere, she latches onto my foot with the force of a thousand tigers. My first instinct was to throw my foot into the air, which launched her halfway across the house. To this day, I still do not trust her, she's a shit.

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  • i know she said she was made unable to bear children.
    But if a unicorn cream can make a hai dick fit in her, i still have hope there is a way for sharkyenas ..atleast one
    Just imagine that bite..and that attitude.

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  • And she made sure to go for the right hand. So if something happens where they get separated over the years, he'll be reminded of her every time he...y'know....

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  • zaitsiev said:
    Please, tell me I'm not the only one who found that to be kind of creepy? I can see the cute... but it also kind of raises some red flags for me...

    You are not alone. Specifically, Nora has a history of having her body used and modified without her consent, and what is the first thing she does to her savior?

    I mean, it is realistic for the victim to become the abuser. She has to unlearn quite a few things. But the story seems to be nearing its end and I was hoping it would be a happy one.

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  • "no matter what happens..."
    Well now that that's been said what could possibly go wrong.

    I am happy they finally addressed if she belonged to him, cause he did 'buy' her, I kept waiting for someone to bring up if she was free now.
    I mean I think we all figured she was, but we don't know what the rest of this world is like so I wasn't sure if she could assume the same.

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  • shunka_warakin said:
    "...Also, I am a hyena, so get used to it."

    Hyenas are very nippy little creatures!

    This was absolutely brilliant and it makes perfect sense in the context of these two. Also, sharks and hyenas are two of the critters in the top twenty (if I remember right) of the strongest bite strength in the world...Pound for pound, hyenas have a much stronger bite for their size than almost anything else (although other, MUCH LARGER animals have bite strength over four times that of the hyena, IIR the crocodile comes in at nearly four and a half times the PSI but is more than four and a half times the size of a hyena).

    There is a reason you rarely see them in zoos, even though they actually can act like dogs loving on their trainers and loyal to them - hyenas can bite through and even digest concrete and steel. Brilliantly beautiful of the artist though this story was really sweet.

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