Character: spyro

Spyro is the main character of two video game franchises, Spyro the Dragon and Skylanders. His signature physical traits, which remain consistent through all the different designs below, are a purple body as a primary color, a yellow body as a secondary color, yellow horns, and a feral body build.

List of the various designs

Spyro the Dragon (original trilogy)

Original PlayStation (or PSX) design. The first game, Spyro the Dragon, had incorrectly-shaped wings.

post #573564 post #1487498 post #747184

The Legend of Spyro trilogy

The tail is leaf-shaped instead of bullet-shaped and the frill on top of the head has been replaced with individual spikes.

post #1003274 post #1492345 post #1084061

Skylanders video game series

Face has been made almost completely flat, tail is segmented, eyes are now red and much larger, and the hand-part of the wing is purple instead of yellow.

post #116440 post #437569

Skylanders Academy

Compared to the video game franchise, Skylanders, his mouth and eyes are smaller and the orbits are now pointing forwards. He's also the main protagonist of Netflix's original animated series, Skylanders Academy, in this incarnation.

post #2032408 post #1700219

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Compared to the original, his chest plates are more angular and pointing downwards, forelegs have opposable thumbs, and/or his tail tip has a more evident swirl.

post #1545611 post #1506908 post #1675942

Balloonist Spyro

An unofficial "daddified" design by Nicholas Kole (post #1715916), who is credited as a concept artist for the remastered trilogy, to try and bring Spyro in line with the redesigns of the various adult dragons from the remake of the first game. The red scarf, the thick, fingerless gloves and the aviator goggles (besides the muscular body and biped stance) are signature features of this design, as Spyro has never worn any of these in any of the games. The name "Balloonist Spyro" refers to how this attire is associated with the balloonists of the first game, implying that Spyro has chosen to become one.

post #1715916 post #3869931 post #4550547

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