
A visor historically referred to the part of a helmet that allows the wearer to see, usually in the form of holes or slits.
post #260324 post #2344391

In modern parlance, it has three popular definitions:

  • A transparent part of a helmet that protects the eyes from intense sunlight, debris, and, in futuristic settings, even bullets.

post #1287641 post #486152

  • A similar piece of eyewear consisting only of the eye-covering part, without the helmet - this is often seen in futuristic settings as some kind of head-mounted display or augmented-reality headset. This usage is also commonly seen in hypnofetish scenarios, where it's a typical variety of mind control device. (Such usage should also be tagged as hypnotic visor.) This type is usually transparent, but some cases may not be, appearing more like a blindfold that presumably contains some kind of display on the inside. (See also: VR headset.)

post #1232341 post #1311670

post #4072025

  • A type of hat consisting of only a peak and a band that goes around the head. Often associated with gamblers.

post #1342139 post #47055

Not to be confused with:
  • protogen_visor - The visor-like digital display of Protogens and Primagens, which externally resembles a visor of the second type but is actually an integral part of their body with no "real eyes" underneath.

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