Species: mallkin

Mallkin are docile, peaceful beings who rarely leave Palm Plaza.

Prime Mallkin are considered to be the most closely related to Palm Plaza Mall, moreso than Palmies or other mallkin. They are often identified by their pink/blue hair, tracksuit-themed clothing, and distinctive black and white hat.

They are famous within the mall, often taking the roles of mascots or celebrities. Despite this, they live as the others do and enjoy the same things as any other mall dweller, such as pizza and Fiji water.

Prime Mallkin emerged from the mall before anyone (or anything) else, and are noted to have a deep connection with their home.

There are currently 7 known Prime Mallkin: Jam, Butter and Cream, Crepe, Salt, Mac, and Peanut Butter.

Non-Prime Mallkin vary greatly in shape and size, but usually wear colors and patterns to match their environment. They are typically rabbit-like, but can also resemble other species on occasion.

Their hair colors can vary, but unlike Prime Mallkin (Crepe, Jam, etc), they never have pink hair.

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