Species: lizard (rain world)
Lizards are a species from the game Rain world. They are hardy and near-ubiquitous predators, hunting on slugcat and any other similarly sized creatures.
They are characterised by their typically black bodies and pulsing neon coloration.
Lizards possess the most variety of any purposed being, having many distinct breeds with their own abilities and attributes, which are usually named after the colour of their heads.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lizards_(rain_world) (learn more).
This tag implicates rain_world (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: black_lizard_(rain_world), blue_lizard_(rain_world), caramel_lizard_(rain_world), cyan_lizard_(rain_world), eel_lizard_(rain_world), green_lizard_(rain_world), pink_lizard_(rain_world), red_lizard_(rain_world), salamander_(rain_world), strawberry_lizard_(rain_world), train_lizard_(rain_world), white_lizard_(rain_world), yellow_lizard_(rain_world) (learn more).
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