wunderwaffe dg-2

The Wunderwaffe DG-2 was Doctor Edward Richtofen's breakthrough in weapon development during the final stages of war in World War II. It was built at Der Riese factory, along with the teleporters, and was intended to be mass produced and supplied to front line troops to win the war. Powered by Element 115, the weapon is packed with 200,000 amperes of devastating chained electrical current, in-game, it is incredibly powerful, sending a bolt of lightning at the targeted enemy, killing it instantly. The bolt then proceeds to hit up to nine nearby enemies with no diminished power for a maximum killing potential of 10 enemies. However, in order for the DG-2 to effectively work, the zombies should be nearby each other, as if the zombies are more than five yards away from each other, the bolt might not link to other zombies. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 has three cartridges on the side for ammunition, and 15 reserved, totaling 18. This gives it a maximum killing potential of 180 enemies. These unique attributes make it an ideal room-clearing weapon.

However only in World At War the Wunderwaffe could kill a total of 24 Zombies (a full wave) when Pack a Punched Equiling to 864 possible kills with the weapon.

The electricity generated is contained in three tesla power-tubes that resemble light bulbs, which the player reloads into the Wunderwaffe DG-2. These tubes increase the voltage of the gun so that it does infinite damage. Whenever the player reloads it, they have to eject the vacuum tubes and insert new ones before pulling on a lever, lighting up the power cells and putting the Wunderwaffe DG-2 back into a firing mode. The Wunderwaffe takes about six seconds to fully reload without Speed Cola, but the player can reload cancel after just three seconds to fully recharge it. This is very handy considering its small magazine size.

It can kill 10 zombies at a time. It also appears to not only instantly kill Hellhounds, but also extinguishes them if they are on fire, meaning that they do not explode after being killed. Because of its recoil, it is important to aim shots carefully, as even a single missed shot is a serious waste of enormous potential.

The Wunderwaffe DG-2 can damage the user if it's fired at a zombie or object too close to the player. In the World at War version of Der Riese, it can stun the player temporarily, and due to a bug, permanently reduce their max health. The bug is most noticeable when the player has the Juggernog perk. However, in Black Ops, it merely damages the player with small amounts of splash damage akin to getting hit by a zombie. PHD Flopper protects the player from being harmed by the shot on Call of the Dead.

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