2 panel comic
A comic page composed of two panels. Often used for Before and After posts or even Expectation vs Reality posts.
The page is generally represented as two panels of equal size separated by a horizontal, vertical or even diagonal space line.
Tags About Panels
Tags About Panels
Numbers of Panels
Panels Traits
Specialized Panels
- borderless_panel (open panel) - The term for an unframed comic panel.
- cutaway - A context dependent frame showing additional content within a scene, usually an inset.
- fade_panel - A black, white, or greyscale panel used to imitate a fade transition.
- horizontal_panel / vertical_panel
- inset (currently aliased to cutaway) - Any comic panel that is fully contained within another image. See also panel_overlap
Panels Actions
Design Themes
- panel_interaction - Interacting with the gutter space, or the panel itself in some creative way.
- panel_overlap - A panel that overlaps another panel.
- panel_skew - Adjacent panels sharing a slanted border.
- panel_symmetry
- panel_tilt - A panel that has been rotated.