comic panel

post #4723912 post #2968473 post #2328372 post #3534851 post #2885388 post #4250898

A comic panel (or just a panel) is an individual drawing area delimited by a border.

Comic panels are often rectangular or square, bordered by a line of varying thickness, drawn freehand or with a ruler.
More rarely, it may have a more varied shape (round, star-shaped...), or even no visible border.

When multiple panels are present, they are often - though not always - separated by an amount of space called a gutter.

Many things can be drawn in these areas: characters, speech bubbles, text, symbols, etc...

When these zones are read in the right direction - top to bottom, left to right or the other way round - they form a story.
Numbers, directional arrows or other indications can be placed on these zones to help the reader read in the right direction.

Tags About Panels

Tags About Panels
Numbers of Panels
Panels Traits
Specialized Panels
  • borderless_panel (open panel) - The term for an unframed comic panel.
  • cutaway - A context dependent frame showing additional content within a scene, usually an inset.
  • fade_panel - A black, white, or greyscale panel used to imitate a fade transition.
  • horizontal_panel / vertical_panel
  • inset (currently aliased to cutaway) - Any comic panel that is fully contained within another image. See also panel_overlap
Panels Actions
Design Themes

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