Character: deekay (somefurryidk)

post #4877837

Deekay, stylized as "DK", is a male sneckal (hybrid black-backed jackal and python) character owned by SomeFurryIDK aka Jovial_Jackal aka HerrJackal

Deekay can vary between completely black-backed jackal, completely python, or a hybrid of both. When a hybrid, he can come in 2 body shapes, python tail with a full jackal body, or a draconcopode python lower half and jackal upper half.

When in black-backed jackal form, Deekay is 180cm tall (5ft 11in).

Deekay has a female version, Kaydee.

Characters owned by SomeFurryIDK:

  • Deekay (male sneckal, hybrid black-backed jackal and python).
  • Kaydee (female sneckal, hybrid black-backed jackal and python).
  • Mommy Violet (female snake).
  • Victoria (female naga).

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