Character: dr. r. gerald

SCP-666-J is a Euclid-Class Object from the SCP Foundation Mythos.

It refers to a Foundation Staff Member, Dr. Gerald's poor driving skills. Any vehicle or means of transportation being controlled by Dr. Gerald will be the victim of a terrible accident, destroying the vehicle in question and killing anyone on or near the vehicle. Often times, the accidents are not his fault but still lead to massive catastrophes, such as multiple natural disasters happening inexplicably at the same time. Attempting to get off the vehicle after boarding it will result in the passenger dying by some other cause soon after, usually being run over by another vehicle. The only person who will survive the ride is Dr. Gerald himself although he will likely be injured in the process and usually fails to reach his original destination.

Vehicles that have caused Dr. Gerald's abilities to activate include: Cars, Trucks, Segways, Roller Skates, A School Bus, a Lawnmower, and a Tractor.

SCP-666-J is a J class anomaly, meaning that it is a joke and therefore is meant to be unusually humorous by the writing standards of the SCP Foundation and has no bearing on any kind of non-J canon. Despite this, Dr. Gerald has appeared in several other main list SCPs.

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