dr. r. gerald, scp-001, scp-2547-1, and scp-682 (scp foundation) created by vavacung

(Comic) Passive Death Wish 29

"Time to meet with one of the first SCP"

Base on SCP-682 : http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-682
Simple version : https://readmanganato.com/manga-dh980490/chapter-4

Base on SCP-2547 : https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2547

Base on Coyote mythology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coyote_(mythology)

Base on SCP-001 (Gate Guardian): https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/dr-clef-s-proposal

Warning : This story contain Dark Humor, Fantasy Violence , Suicide Thought, Self-Inflict, Self Conflict, Death and Drama. So please read with caution.

Warning :Some of my SCP may difference from the original.

Warning : This stunt is performed by an immortal being. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME...

Warning : Hiatus for now for a change of pace. Time/energy consume unbalance with feedback. Let find something else to do.

  • Comments
  • authorinshadows said:
    So... Christianity Confirmed?

    Is Jesus an SCP?

    Is God an SCP?


    Actually SCP 343 is nicknamed God so... perhaps.
    Also I'm waiting for them to cross test with him, and him to say 'not one of mine' in the comic, poor 682 gonna be so mad about that.

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  • authorinshadows said:
    So... Christianity Confirmed?

    Is Jesus an SCP?

    Is God an SCP?


    SCP-343 is God or a really powerful reality bender pretending to be God, and a different SCP-001, the scarlet king, is effectively Satan

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  • ccrp said:
    Scp 666 j is stealing ur bike are you going to stop them?

    Oh no. This doesnt end well. I see the Vulkan coming Out of the ground, accompanied by lightnings and a Meteor.

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  • john_the_bomber said:
    Oh no. This doesnt end well. I see the Vulkan coming Out of the ground, accompanied by lightnings and a Meteor.

    well scp 2547 will just get one from the foundation so easy ,also I want to give scp 2547 haed pats

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  • Oh boy, this is not going to end well, for those new to the fandom, SCP-001 the Gate Guardian... well, guards the gate to Paradise, as in the biblical garden of Eden that God took with him when he left Adam and Eve after the original sin. Also yes, there are actually quite a few Bible inspired SCPs, 343 is a powerful and seemingly all-knowing reality bender who looks like and claims to be God from the Abrahamic/Christian faith, 073 is Cain and 076 is his brother Abel, there's a bunch of SCPs that resemble pop culture depictions of Angels and some that resemble the Eldritch looking biblically accurate angels, and the Scarlet King is essentially the SCP Universe's version of the Devil. (with 682 almost certainly being one of the Scarlet King's kids)
    As for 001, or rather This particular 001 (yes there's more than one), the Foundation has tested 682 against 001 before. The Gate Guardian is hundreds of feet tall and made of fire, and his sword can destroy things at the atomic level.
    When 682 fought him, the Guardians attack left 682 with just one leg, but the Lizard grew back (it always does), but it's what SCP 682 said to the Guardian that catches my attention: "Is this meant to be the Garden? Hahahaha This is not the Garden. The Garden is far west of here." *The Guardian attacks and 682 regrows* "Die? You Command me to die? Oh, Wouldn't we all like that. But this is my curse, for suggesting the fruit." *001 attacks again, and before 682 passes out from its injuries* "This is not the garden, and you are not Uriel. PRETENDER." This cross test suggests 682 is the Serpent responsible for Adam and Eve's banishment from Eden.

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  • ridley_dragmire said:
    Oh boy, this is not going to end well, for those new to the fandom, SCP-001 the Gate Guardian... well, guards the gate to Paradise, as in the biblical garden of Eden that God took with him when he left Adam and Eve after the original sin. Also yes, there are actually quite a few Bible inspired SCPs, 343 is a powerful and seemingly all-knowing reality bender who looks like and claims to be God from the Abrahamic/Christian faith, 073 is Cain and 076 is his brother Abel, there's a bunch of SCPs that resemble pop culture depictions of Angels and some that resemble the Eldritch looking biblically accurate angels, and the Scarlet King is essentially the SCP Universe's version of the Devil. (with 682 almost certainly being one of the Scarlet King's kids)
    As for 001, or rather This particular 001 (yes there's more than one), the Foundation has tested 682 against 001 before. The Gate Guardian is hundreds of feet tall and made of fire, and his sword can destroy things at the atomic level.
    When 682 fought him, the Guardians attack left 682 with just one leg, but the Lizard grew back (it always does), but it's what SCP 682 said to the Guardian that catches my attention: "Is this meant to be the Garden? Hahahaha This is not the Garden. The Garden is far west of here." *The Guardian attacks and 682 regrows* "Die? You Command me to die? Oh, Wouldn't we all like that. But this is my curse, for suggesting the fruit." *001 attacks again, and before 682 passes out from its injuries* "This is not the garden, and you are not Uriel. PRETENDER." This cross test suggests 682 is the Serpent responsible for Adam and Eve's banishment from Eden.

    That comment about the Garden in particular indicates that the canon used in that cross test is the Pitch Haven one. Might be interesting if the Furies get involved.

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  • i see so many variable comments but no one talking about the 4th wall break of 682 asking for herself and us what scp we have now before us

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  • ridley_dragmire said:
    Oh boy, this is not going to end well, for those new to the fandom, SCP-001 the Gate Guardian... well, guards the gate to Paradise, as in the biblical garden of Eden that God took with him when he left Adam and Eve after the original sin. Also yes, there are actually quite a few Bible inspired SCPs, 343 is a powerful and seemingly all-knowing reality bender who looks like and claims to be God from the Abrahamic/Christian faith, 073 is Cain and 076 is his brother Abel, there's a bunch of SCPs that resemble pop culture depictions of Angels and some that resemble the Eldritch looking biblically accurate angels, and the Scarlet King is essentially the SCP Universe's version of the Devil. (with 682 almost certainly being one of the Scarlet King's kids)
    As for 001, or rather This particular 001 (yes there's more than one), the Foundation has tested 682 against 001 before. The Gate Guardian is hundreds of feet tall and made of fire, and his sword can destroy things at the atomic level.
    When 682 fought him, the Guardians attack left 682 with just one leg, but the Lizard grew back (it always does), but it's what SCP 682 said to the Guardian that catches my attention: "Is this meant to be the Garden? Hahahaha This is not the Garden. The Garden is far west of here." *The Guardian attacks and 682 regrows* "Die? You Command me to die? Oh, Wouldn't we all like that. But this is my curse, for suggesting the fruit." *001 attacks again, and before 682 passes out from its injuries* "This is not the garden, and you are not Uriel. PRETENDER." This cross test suggests 682 is the Serpent responsible for Adam and Eve's banishment from Eden.

    Most "christian" scp items also call 682 the serpent that tempted Eve.
    But 682 never acknowledged that, and keeps calling them out for not truly being "christian" icons. Or something similar.
    Which either means 682 met the actual god/angles/daemons/Jesus/etc. or it knows that they are a spiritual thing, not physical, so no physical manifestation can be true "christian" entities.

    Whichever it is, once again 682 shows to be much much more then it seems.

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