Character: dr. wondertainment

post #4330600

SCP-001-NORTH, aka, Dr. Wondertainment is one of the many proposals for SCP-001 in the SCP Foundation Mythos.

Dr. Wondertainment is A Simple Toymaker of unknown origin. They are the founder and CEO of Dr. Wondertainment ©️ and the creator of countless anomalous children's toys. Most notably, 20 anomalous humanoid entities know as The Little Misters.

Dr. Wondertainment is one of if not the most powerful reality benders in the entire Mythos, having been alive for hundreds of years and personally creating many of his anomalous products.

Out of universe, Dr. Wondertainment is one of the oldest GoI's in the mythos and has ties and history with most other GoI's including The Factory, MC&D Ltd., The Sarkicks, The Church of the Broken God, and AWCY?.

He is heavily inspired by the character of Roahld Dahl's Willy Wonka.

Despite his immense power and elusiveness, Dr. Wondertainment is relatively benign and is classified as Safe.

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