Character: stormwave (character)

post #4498706 post #4285896 post #3804214

Zyla Garthori/Zoey Gwynn is a female red fox better known as StormWave and belongs to Zylo_Garoh / StormWave (Same user, different accounts). A 20 year old part time college student, self-employed motorcycle courier and superhero. Canonically, her chest is small to medium, but due to being drawn by multiple different artists Zyla often ends up with a pair of larger boobs.
The majority of her fur is orange and white with dips of green and black at the tips of her ears and tail. She also has black hair with green highlights.

Zyla possesses electrokinetic abilities, which allow her to control (not generate) electricity around her up to a distance of 100m. Said electricity can be thrown at enemies or used to enhance her own muscles. The latter leads quickly to exhaustion. She also has aerokinesis but hardly uses it outside of moving.

Stormwave's hero outfit consists of a blue and yellow duratex bodysuit, a short brown jacket, brown gloves, a belt with several pouches and a yellow scarf. Additional equipment consists of a battery pack to store electricity, slap bracelets for makeshift restraints, and the Thunder Cloud drone (totally not stolen from villains). Her Phone has been modified to not blow up due to her own powers.

Zyla's most notorious enemy is likely herself. Literally. Zyla Garthori is an alternate, slightly older version of Stormwave and a supervillain.

When being mind controlled/enslaved by AshKelling 's Zaide Stormwave serves her under the alias Agent Volt. The colors of her clothes are changed to fit Zaide's pink and black color scheme and the green of her fur is replaced with pink. She continues her work as hero until her goddess gives her different orders.

Please note that telling apart Stormwave and Zyla Garthori (the villain version) is quite difficult if they don't wear their respective hero/villain outfits. Older pictures might also include allusions to both versions of Zyla. The character wasn't yet split into a hero and a villain version in these. The artwork being commissioned by Zyla or Stormwave doesn't differentiate them either, both accounts belong to the same person.

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