corpora cavernosa

The corpora cavernosa are either of the two masses of spongy erectile tissue which forms the bulk of the penis and the clitoris. The exposure/depiction of these is typically seen in explicit images of genital mutilation or modification such as a glansectomy, penectomy, or clitoridectomy. They can also be labeled in anatomical reference images or cross sections.

See also:

  • clitoridectomy - The gory process of removing the clitoris.
  • genital_mutilation
  • nullo - A character with both their penis and testicles removed.
    • castration - The gory process of removing the testicles.
      • eunuch - A character that has had their testicles removed.
        • nullification - The gory process of removing both the penis and testicles.
  • glansectomy - The (sometimes gory) removal of the glans, or "head", of the penis.
  • penectomy - The (sometimes gory) removal of the entire penis.
    • severed_penis - A penis that has been removed from its owner's body either through amputation or penectomy.

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