Character: recon scout fur hire

post #1505173 post #1653072 post #1437153 post #2982169

Recon, Scout Fur Hire (くうがだんのひしょう リコン "Kūgadan no Hishō Rikon", "Recon, Flying Scout of the Skyfang Brigade" in Japanese) is a level two beast effect monster, and part of the "Fur Hire" card archetype in the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game. Appears to be a female lavender fennec fox, wearing a purple cloak and carrying a spyglass and a shortsword at her side.

During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 monster "Fur Hire" from your hand, except "Recon, Scout Fur Hire". If a monster "Fur Hire" is Special Summoned to your field while you control this monster (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 Set card on the field; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "Recon, Scout Fur Hire" once per turn.

This tag implicates duel_monster, fur_hire (learn more).

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