Species: australian possum

post #1430428 post #1283872 post #1276968

Phalangeriformes are a suborder of long-tailed marsupials typically referred to as possums. Other common names associated with this suborder include glider and cuscus, both types of possums. They are generally nocturnal and arboreal, adjusting well to urban sprawl. Their diets range from general herbivore and omnivore to specialized browser (leaf-eating), insectivore, and nectarivore (nectar-consuming) depending on species.

Despite some naming similarity, there are no opossums in this suborder. In fact, opossums form an entirely different order.

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: phalangeriform, phalangeriforme, phalangeriformes (learn more).

This tag implicates marsupial (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: acrobatid, brushtail_possum, cuscus, honey_possum, petaurid, possum_humanoid, pseudocheirid, pygmy_possum (learn more).

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