
the creator "fewix" and some of his friends helped to make species of this dartex species, mainly inspired by the game "changed" from dragonsnow, though the creator of it is wanting to find ways to make it less like a dark latex recolor and edit, and more into its own thing, dartex are a subspecies of latex, mixed with both light and dark latex, dartex are born from crystals and are raised by themselves, unless if they need help from others, dartex are like a vaccine for latex, they can reverse transfurs and even prevent it. though, dartex choose to transfur if they want to transfur, even if a bit of their goo got onto skin. they can choose if it spreads. though dartex dont really transfur, unless if they want to save a very hurt human, or even bring one back to life, though, they also can do this if the human is hostile towards them.
they have slobber and goo inside of their stomachs and on their tongue, and when contact with skin,
it will heal a wound in 2.3 secconds. no delays.
dartex like to help and communicate with other species, and they try their best to be nice even in some cases where they shouldn't. most dartex stand on two legs, but some who are either deformed or choose to, walk on all fours. dartex cannot have less than 2 tails or more than 9 tails, but this limit may change once they are less like a reskined dark latex, as the creator stated. no dartex can be over powered unless if its in good reasons. most excess latex is stored in their masks, incase if they lose a large amount of it. their masks are very durable and very hard to take off, their bodies cannot be oenetrated by sharp things, inside, or outside. most of their weaknesses though, is being out in large amounts of heat for a while, but flamethrowers wont work because it has to be a small amount of heat that us there for a long time, and their latex that have evolved over the years, can absorb the heat, meaning even though its dangerous, flamethrowers wont have any effect. and if they're cold for too long, they will freeze in place untill heated up, they will still live, they may just have some problems with movement for a long time, and shortens their life span to 189 years (average life span is 200 but 300 years is possible, 400 years is very rare but possible.) and lastly, dartex are extremely fluffy, and they live on the planet "depvas" though some moved to other planets :3