breath cloud

See breath

Previous Description

post #2022568 post #1366126

A stylized (๐Ÿ’จ) cloud (or clouds) emanating from a character's mouth or nose, sometimes around a character's face.

A breath cloud literally represents an exhalation of breath (such as panting, heavy breathing, sighing or snorting), and can be used symbolically to represent relief, exasperation, heat, arousal, physical effort, or anger, depending on context. Sometimes accompanied by verbalizations like "Phew" "Huff" or "Hah".

Tagging notes

More realistic depictions of breath - subtle "steamy" clouds, should ideally only use breath instead of this tag. This may not be realistic in the future as breathing_noises becomes more populated. Ideally cloud emanata distinguishes between the simplistic, and realistic examples.

See also

This tag has been aliased to breath (learn more).

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