Copyright: six fanarts challenge

#SixFanarts is a Twitter challenge created on March 17, 2020 by an artist named mcapriglioneart.

This challenge has no set rules -- in fact it doesn't even necessarily have to fill in all six character slots (either leaving them blank, going over the supposed limit, or filling them with the same character) or stick with the same number -- though general consensus is that it does not accept OCs (includes both original characters and fan characters) and makes use of copyrighted/canon characters, but there are rare exceptions. These types of art tend to be SFW but can be NSFW if the challenger desires, as shown here:

post #2208012

Though very rare, a few can even just be focused on penises or fetishes, as shown below:

post #2213068 post #3964499

The following tags are aliased to this tag: sixfanarts (learn more).

This tag implicates meme (learn more).

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post #5282100
post #5282088
post #5192070
post #5192069