hyper pregnancy

post #3458432 post #2410936 post #2278752 post #3500227

Pregnancies which involve an unrealistic amount of offspring, and/or an extremely large belly.

Depictions of (implied, or explicit) octotuplet or nonuplet pregnancy (which may occur in real life, although they are extremely rare), can be set as a "lower limit" on what counts as a hyper-sized pregnancy, however, a character may have fewer offspring and a far larger pregnant belly than what 3-6 babies may entail in reality. A hyper pregnancy could also involve a single extremely large fetus within the womb.

Tagging Notes/Related Tags

  • A hyper pregnant character will have either a...
    • huge belly — a very large belly that ranges from "within reality, but exceptionally large and very rare" to "beyond strict realism, but physically believable"
    • hyper belly — a belly that is entirely beyond the realm of reality and believability, their belly is at least larger than the character themselves, may touch the ground when the character is standing, or entirely immobilize the character, hyper bellies are often also unrealistic in shape and weight

See Also

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