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Remember that I'm not an official staff member, so don't take anything I suggest/say/opine/posit/etc. as 'official policy' unless otherwise confirmed by an Admin.
wiki stuff
# | Name | Link |
1 | Current Wikis | #currentwikis |
2 | Todo | #todo |
3 | Wiki changelog | #wikichangelog |
4 | Wiki standards/policy stuff | #wikistand |
5 | WIP wikis | #wipwikis |
5a | howto:tag feral genders | #wipwiki_howtotagferalgenders |
6 | Planned wikis | #plannedwikis |
7 | Ideas | #wikideas |
Current Wikis
add and interlink all the:
- feral specific anatomy tags etc
- perspective
- presenting
- genitalia?
- exposed
- close-up
- shot
- []
semi-anthro needs(?) to be less ambiguous
- name
- scope?
- any better alternatives?
- anthro, semi-anthro, non-anthro?
Wiki Ideas/Suggestions
- Have a feedback page/'how to improve this article' page per wiki article
- purpose: site members can contribute to improvements without having to edit the articles
Wiki changelog (own major edits)
Since I update the wikis fairly often, it may be a good idea to list some of the changes here for easy reference.
See here for a full list
In rough order, Newest first:
meta:metaindex - all subcats
tag group:character relations
- tag group:species - added a ToC with navigation, top links
- animal genitalia - split/tidied formatting, added claspers
- bifurcated penis - added mention of marsupial/monotreme penises, some editing
- created romantic ambiance
- Interlinked lots of misc forced tags and similar via See also: forced, rape, after_rape, gang_rape, mind_break
- gangbang - added mention of consensual/noncon variants, along with related tags
- tag group:colors - changed the forum in the intro note to point to the current forum discussion
- moved old forum to see also section
- howto:index - de-linked defunct entries (howto:pools)
- tag group:species - expanded all headers - see https://e621.net/forum/show/191139 and later
- added numbat
- animal genitalia - added mention of using animal penis/animal pussy instead of genitalia where applicable
- size difference - updated date, added forum #190304
- tag group:species - added some 'antelopes'
- taur - bolded part about human/feral's mutual-exclusivity with taur
- https://e621.net/forum/show/188594
- added humanoid as well
- animal_humanoid - added info about fake_ears, common mistags
- sex - added forum discussion
- semi-anthro - added typical features
Wiki standards/policies - various (UNOFFICIAL)
- what to do when an article has 'non-standard' syntax?
- should freedom of expression be held higher than the need to be consistent?
WIP Wikis
- howto:tag feral genders
- v0.49 ; +/- 0.25
To add/research:
- Gastrosteges
other [confirm]
- baculum
*intromittent organ
- clasper
- gonopod [insecta]
- gonopodium [piscea]
- hemipenes
- juxta
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiliones_penis
- pedipalp
- [spermatophore]
howto:tag feral genders
[Back: howto:index]
Note1: This is a relatively advanced article about feral anatomy. A simplified one for regular use/reference may become necessary in the future.
If you have suggestions for a simpler article, find any errors, or something else related to feral genders, then feel free to mention it in forum \# or DMail me
Note2:Information in this entry is relatively new/undiscussed (as of February 2016) and based on anecdotal practices/observations on e621.
Some observations and practices may not represent any agreed or standardized rules/guidelines. It is presented here purely for referential purposes.
i.e: Use the information on this page as a guide, not a rule.
Please update this article with relevant information about agreed standards/practices once it becomes available.
Focusing exclusively on the feral body-type, this page documents the various zoologoical, psuedo-zoological methods, and summarized tidbits about identifying a feral character's physical gender on e621.
Some official (and unofficial) scientific terms to know
Relevant tags are listed below.
Primary sex characteristics - Ususally refers solely to the genitals
- Animal_genitalia
- Anatomically_correct - Usually refers to animal_genitalia. Used for cases where the portrayed genitalia either
- Accurately matches the species type of the character (e.g. A canine with a canine_penis or canine_pussy)
List of Some Primary Sex Characteristic Tags in use
- Animal_genitalia - Any non-human, visible sexual organs. Although it may not necessarily match the species (see anatomically_correct below)
- Anatomically_correct
- Anatomically_correct_penis
- Anatomically_correct_pussy
- Cyphopod - female millipedes
- Cloaca - Found on most Avians, some Reptiles, most Amphibians, and other non-mammals. Can be ambiguous in determining gender. (see #uncmncloaca)
- #psudpenPsuedopenis - Can be ambiguous in determining gender (see below)
Secondary sex Characteristics/Other (to be expanded)
Usually includes features like breasts, muscles, body hair, in humans, along with other things like fat deposits, waist:hip ratios etc.
But in non-humans, especially non-mammals, there can be a staggering list of these:
Physical features
- Body markings
- Differing physiology
- Os pubis not present in cert
- Scent glands
- Size
- Divergent Behaviour (usually during mating periods)
- Mating ritual behaviour
- Physical body changes
Uncommonly-encountered Genitalia
Cloaca - Usally present in both biological males and females
Some cases where this differs:
- Male ostriches have both a cloaca and a conical shaped penis that is wider at the base.
- Females have a psuedo-penis.
- Females have a psuedo-penis.
Usually located near the cercus
- Both males and females have a 'genital slit'
- Males spiders do not have a penis. See Wikipedia: "":
- Female spiders do not have a vagina.See:
Wikipedia: Epigyne - External genitala ('pussy')
Wikipedia: Spermatheca - Internal genitalia ('vagina')
- The stingers of ants, bees, hornets, wasps
See also
- howto:tag_gender
- forum #133298 - Tag Discussion/Cleanup: Cloaca (and genital_slit)
- Wikipedia
- "Intromittent organ" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intromittent_organ#Birds
- Pseudo-penis
- Yong, Zhanjun, et al. (2011-04). Anatomic Study on the Main Male Reproductive Organs of Ostrich [pdf]. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/gjhs/article/download/10063/7158
Todo - Planned/suggested
- Add a section for identifying uncommonly-encountered genitalia
- research insect genitalia more thoroughly
- Add detailed secondary sex characteristics per species, family, genera, clade, etc. where appropriate
- Add external references
- \
Create a howto:tag feral genders wiki page\
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Planned Wikis
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