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maybe im unironically horny for radical leftist donke, you dont know my life

  • Comments
  • hornyguy97 said:
    I wish Dems were a fraction as radical as conservatives believe they are lol

    Democrats would be center-right in a reasonable country.
    We need a truly leftist party.

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  • jamesbont said:
    Ben Garrison in a nutshell

    He really does have a Trump fetish. It’s absolutely ridiculous seeing how conservative artists draw Trump like he’s in his 30s or 40s and is in great shape. Absolute Bootlickers.

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  • bronzeagefox said:
    Absolutely delusional reddit take, they're fringe left in every way besides economics. People who say this just want to make being right wing illegal.

    I sometimes wonder what people think ‘fringe left’ actually means. You know even Obama had to be basically forced to legalize gay marriage, right?

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  • bronzeagefox said:
    Absolutely delusional reddit take, they're fringe left in every way besides economics. People who say this just want to make being right wing illegal.

    I don't understand why a furry would be against leftism. Do you know what the right thinks of furries? What ideology insists on maintaining rigid social hierarchies and cultural norms? What ideology insists you must live a "traditional" life with a "traditional" sexuality? What ideology gives a damn about "normalcy" and adhering to it?

    And yes, the right wing is horrible. It undermines literally everything good in life. It's the anti-science, anti-art, anti-life ideology. No freedom, just obey the cult of the free market. Obey the rigid social hierarchies set by those more "successful" by you. Obey the superstitious bronze-age nonsense that's used by grifters to make money off of you. Be a victim of your culture.

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  • dirtyratmatt said:
    I don't think that would work out the way you think, though. In the Anglosphere, left-wing parties are popular among the youth because it's the "lesser of two evils" and the other two are essentially irrelevant (and even that 'perfect balance' could break in the upcoming British elections). In continental Europe where there are genuine left-wing parties however, they're not as popular among the youth as their right-wing counterparts anymore minus an X amount of nations. I'd say watch this video as it explains it better than I ever can. Also, it doesn't involve me typing out a wall of text barely anyone will ever read. Can also recommend the comments by the way, as they add an even better understanding of the situation in North America (and the Anglosphere in general) and continental Europe.

    Ehhh, the UK labor party is leftist in name only. They talk the same culture war nonsense the US conservatives babble on about. The German Die Linke, is more interested in defending Russia and appealing to nostalgia of former DDR residents than advocating for the modern iteration of leftist ideas. Eastern European "communist" parties are not any better. They only care about reverting to the failed Soviet model, not genuine advocacy of progressivism and economic democracy. They are not socially progressive and are staunch nationalists. (And yes, the USSR wasn't socialist. Replacing the bourgeoise by the sole political party that is allowed to exist doesn't count. Yes, on some levels the USSR was more sophisticated and better, but it did fail for a reason. Leftism is about expanding upon enlightenment principles that lead to liberalism, not their rejection.)

    Long story short, political parties are a horrible representation of the totality of political thought--leftist thought especially.

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  • hornyguy97 said:
    I wish Dems were a fraction as radical as conservatives believe they are lol

    Right? They'd be pretty lit and more people might have something to vote for instead of against.

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  • bronzeagefox said:
    People who say this just want to make being right wing illegal.

    Not saying France and Germany always have good ideas but that one is an all time greatest hit of an example the rest of the world would be wise to follow.

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  • tohruoftheskies said:
    I dunno man, I don't wanna pay higher taxes and I like being able to own guns without some beaurocrat breathing down my neck.

    I'm American first and a furry second.

    Have you ever considered that it wouldn't just be higher taxes, it'd be higher wages, better workers rights, better hours and less expensive housing due to better regulation of markets, leading into regulation on billionaires being able to monopolize industries, creating more local businesses etc etc, i'm not going to get into the full scale of what an actual revitalization of the us economy would look like but let me tell you it sure as fuck isn't happening under a republican, not due to political partys but simply because they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, not that democrats are much better, but more left leaning ideologys tend to focus on systems rather than individuals

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  • tohruoftheskies said:
    You could also lower housing costs by not allowing foreigners to buy houses as investment property here.

    That alone would drop land prices in places like LA by like, $600000, and drop rent prices by like $2000 per month.

    Also as to that left leaning ideologies tend to focus on systems rather than individuals comment, when did individualism become a bad thing?

    Wow. That is the dumbest take I've seen about the housing crisis so far.
    "You shouldn't come up with systemic solutions to systemic issues, just ban foreigners from owning property and it'll sort itself out."

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  • cinder said:
    Wow. That is the dumbest take I've seen about the housing crisis so far.
    "You shouldn't come up with systemic solutions to systemic issues, just ban foreigners from owning property and it'll sort itself out."

    I'm not sure of any other countries that allow people who don't even live there to own land let alone a house.

    Mabye it wouldn't drop it down to 2k, but only letting people who buy land/houses who actually live in the state will atleast do something to the price rather than nothing.

    There's really no need for people who don't live in the state let alone people who don't have U.S. citizenship to be allowed to own property in the U.S.

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  • heeheehaw said:
    I'm not sure of any other countries that allow people who don't even live there to own land let alone a house.

    Mabye it wouldn't drop it down to 2k, but only letting people who buy land/houses who actually live in the state will atleast do something to the price rather than nothing.

    There's really no need for people who don't live in the state let alone people who don't have U.S. citizenship to be allowed to own property in the U.S.

    Thanks for re-iterating the same point three times without providing any justification.

    It's not some random foreign citizens owning property that's a problem, it's property being hoarded and then rented out that's an issue.
    Which is mostly done by corporations and the wealthy. "Foreigners" are a drop in the bucket compared to that, and they usually own luxury houses, not normal homes.
    If you said something like "you can't own a house unless you live there for at least 6 months of a year", I would actually agree with it.

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  • cinder said:
    Thanks for re-iterating the same point three times without providing any justification.

    It's not some random foreign citizens owning property that's a problem, it's property being hoarded and then rented out that's an issue.
    Which is mostly done by corporations and the wealthy. "Foreigners" are a drop in the bucket compared to that, and they usually own luxury houses, not normal homes.
    If you said something like "you can't own a house unless you live there for at least 6 months of a year", I would actually agree with it.

    I agree with you completely, houses shouldn't be hoarded. There should be limits on how many you can own and rent out. I also agree with having to atleast live 6 months in the community before renting out. Although I personally think it should be a year.

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  • cinder said:
    Wow. That is the dumbest take I've seen about the housing crisis so far.
    "You shouldn't come up with systemic solutions to systemic issues, just ban foreigners from owning property and it'll sort itself out."

    No like a huge issue in the housing market actually is foreign companys buying loads of homes and selling them at higher prices or using them as collateral/investments etc

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  • tohruoftheskies said:
    You could also lower housing costs by not allowing foreigners to buy houses as investment property here.

    That alone would drop land prices in places like LA by like, $600000, and drop rent prices by like $2000 per month.

    Also as to that left leaning ideologies tend to focus on systems rather than individuals comment, when did individualism become a bad thing?

    Keyword being ALSO, and towards the idividualism thing, I didn't say individualism is bad, i mean that people on the more "right" side of the political spectrum tend not to think in terms of systems and improving them, they don't like to think that maybe the world is inherently broken and we need to fix it because it challenges their selfish ideology of "i'm the only one that matters and anyone who agrees with me"

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  • Anyway, i'd fucking kill for an actually leftist party that REALLY advocated for socialism and leftist policies rather than disguising weak-ass center-right crap as "progressive"

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  • healthcat said:
    No like a huge issue in the housing market actually is foreign companys buying loads of homes and selling them at higher prices or using them as collateral/investments etc

    Like what? I am not that familiar with the topic, so if you know any, name them.
    I know that Blackstone is the big one, but it's American.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure the other guy isn't talking about companies, and is instead going for the traditional right-wing "foreigner bad" take.

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  • cinder said:
    Democrats would be center-right in a reasonable country.
    We need a truly leftist party.

    That’s communism, Cinder. That’s communism lol. Me personally, I lean towards socialist but, y’know.

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  • loafofknot said:
    That’s communism, Cinder. That’s communism lol. Me personally, I lean towards socialist but, y’know.

    Anyone left of Joe Biden is a communist, I gotcha.

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  • This comment section is so Yankstani/Muricuh blah blah doodoofart-- reading it gave me a headache. Just enjoy the art and the fucking joke, eh?

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  • cinder said:
    Like what? I am not that familiar with the topic, so if you know any, name them.
    I know that Blackstone is the big one, but it's American.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure the other guy isn't talking about companies, and is instead going for the traditional right-wing "foreigner bad" take.

    Yeah honestly they seemed a little.. off, but i'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, anyway i think one culprit is how china has a massive realestate industry where alot of the homes built are never even lived in, they just buy loads of land and plop down ghost citys essentially, and they're doing it to the us aswell

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  • Mods, I think it might be a good idea to just close this comment section before more arguing inevitably ensues.

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  • healthcat said:
    Yeah honestly they seemed a little.. off, but i'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, anyway i think one culprit is how china has a massive realestate industry where alot of the homes built are never even lived in, they just buy loads of land and plop down ghost citys essentially, and they're doing it to the us aswell

    Yes, I haven't been to other provinces, but at least in Tianjin.

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  • baloo said:
    Right? They'd be pretty lit and more people might have something to vote for instead of against.

    I'm pretty leftish, myself, but the 'progressives' in the U.S. Democratic are really going insane, I think. It sickens me to see my country divided into two camps of utter lunatics. But in a democracy, I still believe the people get the government that they deserve.

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  • who would have guessed the average politicist seems to congregate on a site swimming in porn. i suppose every president started somewhere

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