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  • Comments
  • qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    try blacklisting age_difference and young in conjunction, if that doesnt work add rating:e to it

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  • qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    You could also blacklist "child", "loli" and "cub", since those terms are used often as well.

    For future blacklisting, so you don't have to ask the comments, you could read the tags of the image you don't like. For example "cub" is a tag in this image. I usually like to investigate exactly what a tag will entail before fully blacklisting it and adjusting as needed.
    Like if you want to see children in nonsexual comics or images, you could put "child young cub -rating:s" or something.


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  • qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    There's cub in your favorites, wtf are you on about.

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  • bzeeh said:
    There's cub in your favorites, wtf are you on about.

    My guess? The fact that the cub is accompanied by an adult...
    Then again I can't do a search of their favs *shrugs*

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  • All these people Purposefully clicking on stuff they don’t like just to express that they don’t like it in the comments.. what is up with these people?.. you can literally see the image prior to enlarging it. If you don’t like it, don’t click on it. I just don’t understand people.. great art BTW!!

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  • The Evidence

    comment #3701417 (post #1449255)

    qtheend said:
    why is this so cute.

    comment #4953996

    qtheend said:
    Just a friendly reminder that there is intentions to enjoying a picture of a 4 year old.

    comment #5068037 (emphasis added)

    qtheend said:
    to much for me :/ but people like stuff and its not my problem

    comment #5180953

    qtheend said:
    wish e6 would do something about pedos

    comment #5194661

    qtheend said:
    Gross, pedophilia.

    comment #5370752

    qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    fav:QTheEnd ~loli ~cub ~child

    post #313315 post #1380990 post #1553015 post #1557037 post #1596950 post #1692065 post #1711487 post #1719694 post #1732073 post #1742659 post #1770093 post #1821875 post #1830505 post #1853460 post #1870889 post #1898644 post #1907231 post #1928587 post #1929847 post #1952675 post #2010087 post #2084381 post #2150689 post #2200754 post #2200765
    post #2200767 post #2225694 post #2288692 post #2407615 post #2496160 post #2517908

    The "Enable privacy mode" setting could have prevented this bloodbath.


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  • scootye said:
    try blacklisting age_difference and young in conjunction, if that doesnt work add rating:e to it

    I feel you man, stuff like this I constantly see, but don't judge others for liking something, I say I've learned to appreciate others perspective, not necessarily my cup of tea. But I respect it.


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  • qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    Mmm... You can put in the browser "child -age_difference", the minus simbol avoids something to show when you browse.

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  • qtheend said:
    Can there please be a pedophilia loretag?? I’m tired of the young tag being either misused or just being the only thing to label an image with a literal child. If someone could respond without being rude that would be good cause it is a literal question.

    I wouldn't be rude if you didn't basically call everyone here a pedophile.

    There's this little place in your account called a "blacklist" put Cub in it.

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  • lance_armstrong said:

    The Evidence

    The "Enable privacy mode" setting could have prevented this bloodbath.

    i was literally a child at the time i favorited those images. it’s called conditioning and it’s fucking sad that i grew up thinking that art was ok. the reason i haven’t blacklisted those tags is because SO MANY PEOPLE MISS USE IT. some art has basically zero reason to be called “cub” and yet people do it for context, they enjoy it being a child.

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  • qtheend said:
    i was literally a child at the time i favorited those images. it’s called conditioning and it’s fucking sad that i grew up thinking that art was ok. the reason i haven’t blacklisted those tags is because SO MANY PEOPLE MISS USE IT. some art has basically zero reason to be called “cub” and yet people do it for context, they enjoy it being a child.

    ...That's not what "conditioning" is.

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  • lonelylupine said:
    ...That's not what "conditioning" is.

    They started complaining about cub porn a year ago.
    They added much more after that.
    Some of their favorites were uploaded 5 to 8 months ago.
    What kind of person favorites cub porn while screaming about how evil it is?
    A person who doesn't really think cub is bad.

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  • horsemonger said:
    They started complaining about cub porn a year ago.
    They added much more after that.
    Some of their favorites were uploaded 5 to 8 months ago.
    What kind of person favorites cub porn while screaming about how evil it is?
    A person who doesn't really think cub is bad.

    Not necessarily. It's more someone who is experiencing cognitive dissonance and doesn't know how to resolve it.

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  • qtheend said:
    i was literally a child at the time i favorited those images. it’s called conditioning and it’s fucking sad that i grew up thinking that art was ok. the reason i haven’t blacklisted those tags is because SO MANY PEOPLE MISS USE IT. some art has basically zero reason to be called “cub” and yet people do it for context, they enjoy it being a child.

    That's a cope. Pictures are pictures, and if you can't tell the difference between pixels on a screen and actual real sexual abuse, then you should definitely not be on this site.

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