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Luckily, Remy doesn't mind goop on his face because it probably came out without warning =w=

Remy (blowjob giver)

Dog Guy (blowjob receiver)

Mutt (top right)

Piper (middle)

Tigger (bottom)

(c) Ketzio & GBB

Story by Ketzio11

"Dude... Dude?... Dude!!" a young voice called violently through Remy's Xbox headset.

"What? Uh. Oh, sorry 'bout that." the cat responded into the mic piece with his voice slightly breaking in a girlish rasp.

"Pay attention! You almost got us fuggin' nuked, fuck-lord! ...I'm sorry for yelling." the voice roared from the headset. The voice belonged to Mutt; a very kind dog-boy, really. Remy always found Mutt's puppy ears too small while his nose looked 20 times too large. it was adorable and hilarious. "You look like Goofy" - that was Remy's first remark when he first Skyped Mutt. "Yeah, well you sound like a little girl." was Mutt's immediate response.


"Sorry!" Remy growled with a sudden and abrupt gasp followed by a slight moan; clutching the controller tighter. "I'm just a little... uh... preoccupied."

"'Sorry' doesn't get a good K/D ratio, fuckboi." this was the second voice in their team chat: Tigger... like the Winnie the Pooh character. Only, unlike that character, Tigger was fat - not chubby - fat. He was a lion with sandy fur and Remy often mused about whether or not he was into Tigger. Part of him liked the idea of those large, thunderous thighs clapping hard against Remy's bare backside. He assumed Tigger had a very thick dick but, as much as the idea pleased him, he wondered if after he came -- the idea of a super fat lion boy would be as pleasing. Fortunately (or not) Tigger lived a good ocean away.

"The scaredy-cat is probably checking closets or something. This is the first time his family has left him house-sitting." The third voice popped in. It was Piper, a shrew, and honestly a boy Remy very much liked. He reminded the little cat of the kind of kid you read about in those boring books about gumption and painting fences in literature class. Piper always seemed to be out playing stick-ball or having an adventure when he wasn't online fucking everyone up. He also lived the closest (though still a good 2 hours by freeway) and late at night he had taken to the habit or Skyping Remy for friendly talking sessions.

Piper had a girlfriend though... sorta? Remy barely remembered her name, it was like... Arlene or Arlee or... Aria, that was it.

The four of them, in this little 'squad' of theirs, definitely had a lot of unspoken sexual tension.

"That's not true!" Remy snidely chirped and let out a small gasp again; referring to Piper's comment about being alone and scared in his house. He kept as quiet as he could for the time being, but as his friends continued to converse about the state of the game they were in, a large canine's dark and strong arm ran up Remy's shirt and teased his chest slowly.

"Ohhh yeah!" Mutt began laughing. "I forgot that Rem is home all by himself. I hope you're not too scared alone in your big house, catty-cat!"

"Big house?" Remy disjointedly thought as a finger stroked his sensitive nipple. His eyes unfocused on the military unit portrayed on his large gaming TV. "This little place?" his wandering mind was immediately cut off by a second hand from his canine visitor feeling up his other nipple.

"I love when I'm by myself -- and I can protect my house just fine." Tigger chorted. "There was this one time when a robber just br-"

"Ahhh, shhhh! You always lie!" Mutt interjected with a scuffle of his mic. "I'm so sure a robber saw the katanas on your wall and ran screaming because you're so fucking awesome."

"He has katanas on his wall?" Piper snickered.

"Like 5 of them!" Mutt chortled. "They're not even sharp. He tried to cut a lemon in half and it didn't do anything."

"They're no--"

"Please tell me that's on YouTube!" Piper was losing it at this point. The searing amount of Edge-Lord juice flowing from Tigger was palpable.

"THEY'RE NOT ALL KATANAS AND THEY'RE NOT ALL DULL." Tigger finally got his retaliation out edgewise. "One of them is a No-Dachi and they're--"

"OOOOH, A NO-DACHI!" everyone could practically hear Mutt double-palming his face with faux awe. "Ahhh, I can't handle you, Tigger. Also, Rem, did you die again?" he ate the microphone as he redirected his wrath towards Remy. "STOP SUCKING DICKS AND GET OUT OF THE SPAWN POINT... I'm sorry for yelling."

Remy gasped hard in response; trying to form anything except his distracted noises of pleasure as he bit his lip. A strong hand slid between his thighs and began squeezing his bulge.

He could barely hear the earsplitting sound of his teammates screaming at him to pick up his controller as he was the last person alive for this round.

"God dammit, Remy!!" Tigger howled. They had just all been slaughtered. The countdown had begun for Round 3 as they could hear the sounds of their opponents practically blowing into their mics with all of the air in their lungs; screaming obscenities to the point where it might as well have just been blank and pointless loud static.

Oh well. Perhaps he wasn't as good at multitasking as he thought. "S-sorry." Remy looked up into the silvery eyes of the guy he had brought home from Walmart earlier that day.

Funny story, that. When your family isn't home that's the best time to stock up on energy drinks and junk, right?


Well, Remy thought so, too bad he was a tad short... on cash. Not just height. That is when big bad Mr. Jogging-Pants happened to walk up and buy a case of Remy's favorite energy drink.

"Yo-" He cleared his throat as Jogging-Pants-Man turned to face him. Remy's voice had cracked for the 78th time that day and he definitely had to reword his sentence. "Are you gonna drINK--" he paused as he wished he could physically assault his consistently cracking voice. He sighed and continued. "--all those? 'cause I'll buy some off you."

Without even intending it at first, the last line he spoke came off as a little flirtatious. It was just him trying to avoid another break in his speech -- but the dog guy responded positively towards it.

"What's a boy like you gonna do with a drink like this?" the low bassy rumble that was the guy's voice said.

The rumbling voice sort of intimidated the little girly cat boy. He attempted to widen his throat and sound more threatening like this guy.

"Drink 'em. What else would I do with them?" Remy placed both hands on his hips in sassy and commanding way but immediately reverted back to flopping his arms at his sides. He was trying to cancel out the dog's threatening voice with his own! What the fuck was he doing putting his hands on his hips like that?

"Tell you what. How about I just buy you a case yourself." The dog said; suddenly friendly. He crouched to grab a second case and Remy suddenly gathered, in profile, how pronounced this guy's bulge really was. Remy definitely wanted to see that now. "How old are you anyways? This stuff would destroy hyper-active little boys."

"What makes you think I'm a little bOY--" Remy groaned as his voice betrayed him once again with another crack. "What makes you think I'm a little boy...?" he repeated; much, much quieter this time.

The dog roared in laughter as he roughly smacked Remy's back in jest. Remy kind of liked how he was basically man-handled forward with a simple slap like that; almost losing his balance and catching himself with his dominant foot.

"You're funny, kid. I like you." he put his hands on his hips too -- but he did it in a way that wasn't faggy like Remy did. "You can help me carry all this shit back to my truck though and I can give you a ride home. How's that?"


Remy focused on the dog's hardened, bare chest and then slowly into his eyes again and all at once was back into reality as another series of voices called rabidly from his head set. "You still there, fuck-lord?" Tigger's voice dominated the rest of the boys' on the mic.

"One sec," Remy said in a shaky way. "Just one second."

The dog squeezed harder on Remy's cock; basically only big enough for two of the man's fingers to wrap around. . Remy wasn't sure if that meant his penis was way too tiny... or if this man's hand was way too big. Also, he wasn't sure what possessed him to try doing this during a gaming session -- but then again -- how could he not try?

"What. Why?" Mutt sounded indignant. "Is uh... something wrong?"

"I'm gonna have sex really fast." Remy remarked almost carelessly as the dog peeled his shirt fully off. "No way I can focus on these two things right now. I thought I couuuuuld but I caaaaan't."

"Nuh-Uh!" Piper snapped loudly.

"The fuck?" Tigger mumbled.

"EXCUSE ME?" Mutt sounded excited. "WHO? WHEN? HOW? IS IT A BOY?"

"I'm a guy." the dog chuckled into the headset. "I'ma gonna steal your boy for a sec."

"Hah!" Tigger scoffed with a loud and obvious folding of his arms. "My dad works in audio for movies and I know when someone is using voice modulation. Remy is such a liar."

Remy noticed a bit of contempt in his accusation. Maybe even jealousy?

"I'll prove it!" Remy stated matter-of-factly as the dog began to lap his rough tongue up and down Remy's scrawny chest. He quickly gestured to the headset and the dog lifted his head. There was a quiet scuffling of 'hold on... I gotta... do a thing' barely audible on everyone's side.

"Hey guys." the deep, bassy growl of the dog sounded was such a tease. "Still don't believe the cat boy?"

"Y-you're just using voice manipulation software!" Tigger lashed out; sounding frantic. "S-so fucking fake!"

"Nu-uh!" Remy pouted as this camouflage shorts were being drug down his skinny hips; barely exposing his aching, eager member.

"Excited?" The dog muttered; his muzzle away from the mic and hard to hear.

"One sec!" Remy held a finger up to stop him. "Okay fine, guys, get on your Skypes!" he said with a very energetic flare.

"You're trolling us." Piper accused; though his voice had a little spice in it. "...right?"

"Just get on, dumb-asses." Remy huffed and turned off his Xbox mic as he giddily scampered across his room with no shirt and his shorts pulled down. He snatched his laptop and presented it to the dog man.

"...what?" the dog eyeballed the laptop. "Yes. That's a laptop. What do you want me to do with it?"

"Accept the call when they send it!" he whispered. "Also, hold it like you're holding a camera or something!"

"This huge thing?" the dog snickered. "Just hold it like a POV camera? Ooooookay then."

Remy stood half naked, hand on hips, while his tail flicked eagerly. "Come on, guys." He said into the headset again; turning it off once more just as he finished his sentence.

The group they conversed in frequently called right at that moment. 4 webcams, including Remy's, went up and 3 boys' faces, lit by computer light and still wearing their headsets, could be seen.

"Yoooooo." Remy greeted his friends in a teasy, singsong voice as he dropped down to the floor; finally freeing that beast-in-waiting.

He took an odd bliss of enjoyment in looking up while giving the Popsicle treatment to the dog and finding all of his friends' excited, shocked, and enamored faces on the screen. Certainly none of them would be bitching now about fucking up their K/D ratio. He was more than content working up and down on the guy's shaft.

"Jealous?" the dog snickered. "Don't need to be. Just pretend you're me and all will be fine. That's what the POV's for... I think." he lowered his head towards Remy who was going to town. " it?"

"Uhh-nunuh?" Remy couldn't talk with his mouth full.

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