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Sean had to admit it: this friend certainly had a knack for taking interesting pictures. It was not just that they were high quality, but how Ryan managed to make them at all fascinated him.

Eventually he just had to ask.

"So there's one thing I've been wondering: How do you convince the prey to cooperate with this? Like that squirrel on that picture, she's not even trying to run away."

Ryan smiled. "Oh yes, it is quite tricky. In fact that one was quite feisty at the start, but I convinced her nothing good would come out of resisting. Want to see how?"

"Sure!" enthusiastically answered Sean, and then quickly realized that it was a mistake.

"I'll show you how for $60", answered Ryan with a smile.

"$60? That's more expensive than the previous one!" grumbled Sean.

Ryan looked apologetic. "Sorry about that, man. This is getting harder to do lately. But I promise the picture is a good one".

Sean sighed and reached for his wallet. At the rate this was going he was going to spend every cent he had, but he had to admit it: Ryan hadn't disappointed him so far.

"Ooh, this one looks illegal as all hell", said Sean, examining the picture with interest. "And just like that, she was nice and obedient?"

"Pretty much. It looks easy, but you try and stand like that for half an hour. She was a stubborn one, it took me several tries to convince her. I set things up so that they have to stand on their toes, or it would tear them apart. If they're still stubborn after I release them I just repeat it again until it sinks in."

"What if you overdo it?"

"Never happened to me yet. It looks outright excruciating, so you know very well when they can't take it any longer. And as a bonus, it doesn't leave much of a trace".

"Damn. I'll have to make sure to never get on your bad side", nervously joked Sean.

  • Comments
  • Wrpen99 said:
    How convenient that the sadistic animal torturer is named "Ryan"...

    that is in terrible taste, applying Rooster Teeth content to your fap material.

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  • warpn said:
    Well this didn't age very fuckin well lmao

    eh, it still says its part. applying a Rooster Teeth character into content out of context or through the description story is still a bad idea, no matter how poor of an excuse that character becomes.

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  • animatweek said:
    eh, it still says its part. applying a Rooster Teeth character into content out of context or through the description story is still a bad idea, no matter how poor of an excuse that character becomes.

    I don't know what's the deal with Rooster Teeth, but the character's name is entirely unrelated. I picked the name for the meaning "little king", since he first appeared as the guy in post #928564

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  • balmung_ said:
    I don't know what's the deal with Rooster Teeth, but the character's name is entirely unrelated. I picked the name for the meaning "little king", since he first appeared as the guy in post #928564

    yeah, some people forget that the name "Ryan" is a name common everywhere, not just 1 specific company. and that goes to almost every name on this planet.

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