Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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This topic has been locked.

Thanks for the avatar by the way.

Beethoven 5th symphony is brilliant, listing to it right now

Updated by anonymous

wait a campfire? a naked flame? you know how combustible I... *spontaneously combusts* ARGH!!! WTF!!!

Updated by anonymous

I ban everyone above because they forgot to mention ban

Updated by anonymous

Rejected because at first we decided to be original and not use ban, then it was out of use.

New avatar by the way... just thought i mention it.

Updated by anonymous

Gray_fox said:
I ban everyone above because they forgot to mention ban

*shames you for being a ban conformist*

Updated by anonymous

I have petition 'No more bans'

Can people please sign here:


Updated by anonymous

Anyone else? Freedom from bans! join the revolution!=!

=^-^= unite!!

Updated by anonymous

Sorry, *gets on knee* can you forgive me?

(shoulda done drama)

Updated by anonymous

Furballs and Alastair are banned for not following the rules of the game.


Updated by anonymous

executed for saying the 'word' we have a petition against it. AND COOKIES!!!

Updated by anonymous

nou. *bans you* Only two people signed the petition. You need 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people to sign it.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because a rug and a bee make a sport

Updated by anonymous

furballs dc keeping up the good fight i see. Xch3I can't you see how life is made so negative by the 'ban'? Join the revolution!!

Updated by anonymous

Jump out of a plane in russian territory saying vodka with no parachute as the snow will break your fall

hetatlia ref

Updated by anonymous

Got bored and checked your favourites. nice taste in art you have. Okay, must sleep.
Oh dawkins, its 12:00 GMT

Updated by anonymous

Banned for not banning you are ruining what we have worked for

Updated by anonymous

Banned because magic happens when you press and hold the Home button on an Android mobile/tablet

Updated by anonymous

Don't forget about the Wii/Wii-U/3ds home button.

AlastairWhitehall said:
Got bored and checked your favourites. nice taste in
Oh dawkins, its 12:00 GMT

=^.^= Still lots to add, and find again.

Updated by anonymous

Stahp it furballs, stawp

Banned because you didn't follow the rules again! >8c

Updated by anonymous

*poked to being a ban conformist* No cookies for you(at least not now)!

Updated by anonymous

the Anti-ban movement is working. they cannot control what we type! use cookies! use freedom of speech! do not let them win!

Updated by anonymous


Gonna move that furry lab sub-thread here me think.


Updated by anonymous

Wait, would doing that lock this thread? it locked the other one.
But this topic is a bit of FFA.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, you sleep. you must be around -8 GMT if you just gone to bed

Updated by anonymous

Question, is it snowing where you are? Because it is well and truly bloody snowing here!!!

I want a car!!!
Snow in England, should be rain.
Yes, typical brit me, complaining about the weather no matter what type it is.

Updated by anonymous

= ^-^ =
I have spread this face to some of contacts. soon it will be on every TV, computer, advertisement and politicians head.

Updated by anonymous

Random post:

today, i have discovered the harmful effects of idleness...

I found this link between idleness and self-damage when i was in a state of 'idle'

Updated by anonymous

Wikis can be dangerous too, time wise. Oh whats this? *click* Oh and this? *click* Oh and... *three hours later* Where did the time go?!

Updated by anonymous

I managed to get from 'paper' to 'communism' to 'fish' to 'god'

(there were other less interesting steps)

Then i got to furries. That day i became a furry.

Updated by anonymous

'That day' was 2 years ago. so the welcome is a little late...

Updated by anonymous

banned for using the game to talk to people and not banning people

Updated by anonymous