Banned because you came out of fucking nowhere
Whats this about a blinking "12:00“?
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because you came out of fucking nowhere
Whats this about a blinking "12:00“?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for unset VCR clock.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because confused about life, death and this thread.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being confused.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm thinking upon life, death and this thread. Be quiet
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause nope.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz eeyup
Updated by anonymous
Banned because oh purr!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for showing very good art.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for liking it too. Lots. =^_^=
Updated by anonymous
Banned because how could i not? hard to get good furry art these days. or as this picture demonstrates, good SAFE art.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause, hee. Safe.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you found my reasoning funny. Lets see
Updated by anonymous
Banned because... hmm... I wonder...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because... a² + b² = c²
Updated by anonymous
Oh yeah?! Well. *divides by negative zero*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because zero is neither postive nor negative. It is a symbol representing nothing, and to allow bankers and politicians look smug due to them owning quite a few zeros with a one on the front.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause oblivious to wormhole.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because no sci-fi.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being anti sci-fi.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for supporting sci-fi.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not supporting sci-fi.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because sc...wha...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *gets med kit*
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause *applies kit* That was easy. Good as new.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because, *sigh* good job... *kit spontaneously combusts* ARGH!!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because huh, must have been made in... Oh hey. A lucky penny.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because...ARGH!!! THE PAIN!!! *slowly burns*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing with the flamethrower wrong. It's not a toy... oh, it is the Spaceballs toy one.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you are next to a pool. Banned some more for not noticing the fire extinguisher as well.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *sigh* i'll deal with it. *still burning*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I wonder...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what?
*burning report: reached a nice stable fireball covering entire body, but otherwise good*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *puts on nurse outfit* Better?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because how does a nurse outfit help?!?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not noticing the flames went out.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because wow, nurse outfit works!!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I tolda so! =~.^=
Updated by anonymous
Banned for using the PyroPlay™ Medkit in first place
Updated by anonymous
Banned because someone must have removed the sticker. =>.<=
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's okay, at least the wound was cauterized
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your just saying "Banned because" and adding action
Updated by anonymous
Banned because wow, Pikmin 1 has alot of development data on the disk.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because [insert reason here]
Updated by anonymous
Banned because why?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because chicken thigh
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you didn't use the magic of the internet. Internet magic is good, and you should feel bad for not using it! >:c
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Pikmin 2 dosn't have as much dev leftover data, or it has more with text files, but no PC programs.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ???????
Updated by anonymous
Banned because wat, *uses internet magic*
Updated by anonymous
ban for magic using on the internet
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing Magic (the Gathering).
Updated by anonymous
Banned just cause.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not having a reason
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm powering a B/W camera with a 6V battery of an old R/C
Updated by anonymous
Banned for practical approach.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I actually have plans for them.
I just need an audio transmitter and an R/C helicopter and I'm set *maniac laugh*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your plan isn't optimistic enough
Updated by anonymous
Banned because unworking stuff for stuff. /rage
Well, the bti-dds seems to be working atleast.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for missing a space
Updated by anonymous
Banned because woo! Found programs which work for Pikmin 1&2.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because cat
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *purrs*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because aww, cute
(wait, have we done this already?)
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I lost count.
Updated by anonymous
Unbanned because i want to be original. and = ^.^ =
Updated by anonymous
*Wraps banner around* There, different as well. =^-^=
Updated by anonymous
Expeled because, i would like a thread where we could do this without blocking, you know messing about. for those not understanding, check this games history, you'll see.
Updated by anonymous
Vanished to the 12th dimension. Just to see what's there.
Updated by anonymous
Peacefully protest because, i am thinking of changing my avatar to post #284187 what do you think. shame about over sized breasts but, know of a image similar if not?
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Top 2 are nice, like 284776 especially. okay made mind up...
oh, violent riot because...
Updated by anonymous